Thursday, May 19, 2011

49 Days E10

Someone please tell me where that tear came from. Who cried for her? My money was on H and the discovery of J’s seal – but then i started thinking. It has to be a genuine tear for J and if he was crying – it was cuz he loves J but has fallen for Y so he feels bad to J. That can’t be considered a true tear. Or maybe he realized he loves J too much to allow himself to fall for Y and that seal reminded him of who he really loves. Then his tear counts. Whew – my brain hurts now. What I really wish is for S to cry for her, but I doubt his tears count cuz he is not human.
Watching that picnic scene between Y and S made me think for a second. How could a normal girl like that go from being that happy to this miserable where she doesnt enjoy anything about life. What could S have done – for her to be this sad for so many years-like she is carrying some kind of guilt and living like this is her punishment. More importantly – what is S going to go back and say to her to help Y move on with her life and find meaning in it again. When that scene finally comes out – I sure hope I understand every word to translate verbatim cuz that is like the most importand point of this whole drama for me. I already know somehow J will get her tears- I never doubted that for a second. The real mystery for me is S and Y’s back story and why S needs to go back to Y.
49 Days E10
After H asks Y/J if she is J, he says it again
you are J arent you?
Y/J denies it and asks what he is talking about
he mentions how he saw J sing and play that on the piano in the music hall
(she wonders to herself: he saw me? when did he see me?)
H: the piano – that song- your behavior- your expression – is J
she says most ppl who know how to play piano knows how to change up this song like this
and it is a very famous song
H says that is not what he is talking about – he just feels like she is (J)
she says it is nonsense cuz she grew up in a different hometown
does it make sense that I am someone else?
H: it doesnt but I feel like you are – it feels like that
if you are not J -why do you seem like J?
why does it feel like it?
she says why are you asking me that
she thinks to herself: kang ah please dont do that
chef comes and interrupts
he says she must have forgotten today was when they are closed
she asks where he is coming from and he brought something for the piano
H walks off
chef explains that H doesnt like just anyone touching the piano
she apologizes and says she played it without knowing that
chef says then H had a reason to get mad
outside she comes out one door – at the same time H comes out the other
both are separated by a wall
neither knows the other is on the other side
she worries to herself how he knew and next to her H is thinking -doesnt make sense
she thinks:what do i do if H keeps suspecting
he thinks he must have seemed like a crazy guy to her
he walks out and sees here there
she says she must resemble his friend a lot
H: it seems like it – now that i thought it over – it doesnt seem like it too
she bows and says she will be going
he asks for her to leave her number before she leaves
if she is didnt mean to make a person concerned she should have said something and left
what happened yesterday – did something happen at home?
she said she wasnt feeling well so she went home to rest
he said she wasnt home
Y/J: you came to my home?
she remembers how he knocked on the door the other night
H: you ran off like a crazy woman and didnt come back so how could i not be worried
she thinks to herself: you worried about Y to that extent? and you were mad cuz you felt my presence around Y?
he starts to ask “if she needs help to..” but she says she will be leaving and runs off
inside his room – he looks at the charm bracelet
As she walks – she thinks
H likes Y
I dont have any friends who love me 
so the only ppl who truly love me are mom and dad
Y/J goes to P’s to buy bread
P comes over and says today Y is buying different bread
she is happy to eat bread and talk with P in this seat (where J always sat)
P asks if this is her first time being here
Y/J says it is and she likes the interior
P mentions how her friend liked to sit where Y/J is sitting
Y/J likes the taste of the cake
P says Y/J’ s reaction is similar to J
Y/J says P’s friend seems to have similar taste with Y/J
P asks how Y/J got the thermos
is IJ dating your brother?
P thinks IJ gave it to Y’s brother with soup in it
Y/J says she doenst have an older brother or younger brother and she cant talk about it
so P should ask IJ about it
J’s mom is setting the table to eat
but her dad gets dizzy and almost faints
he pretends he is kidding around but then his arm gets paralyzed
J’s mom yells asking why he is like this
IJ and M are eating
she reminds him this is the last place they ate together before he left to study overseas
she thinks the owner recognized them
he jokes that they need to hurry and go out then
she wants to go for a drive after they eat
but he reminds her he has to drop by the hospital and go to a meeting
she tells him not to talk about the hospital or J to her
she wants to live not thinking about J
M agrees
 she adds that she is quitting tm
she mentions the office rumor that spread that a ghost stopped the will signing
cuz of that she doesnt want to be in that office anymore
ppl keep asking her about it so she is annoyed
M thinks it is funny how ppl overreact just cuz a frame fell accidently
IJ says cuz the seal dropped to the floor too – ppl think it meant the company shouldnt be left to M
she says how she doesnt get why J’s dad wants to leave the company to M in the will when the company wont be around till J’s dad dies anyway
Y/J goes to the hospital
she practices what to say to her parents cuz she has to pretend to be Y-J’s friend
hello father (koreans call their friend’s parents mother and father)
I am J’s friend
J told me you liked this bread so I bought some for you
she thinks she is ready so she goes to the door
she peeks in and sees that her dad is lying next to J’s
Y/J says to herself: dad – why are you like that? dad – are you hurt somewhere?
you must have over exhausted yourself cuz of me
she runs into M on his way in
when she looks up at him there are tears in her eyes
she thinks to herself : M -how could you keep coming here?
M asks what brought her here
she glares at him and thinks: you are determined to get the company thru the will?
M: are you hurt anywhere? did something happen?
she ignores him and keeps walking but he holds her arm
she says aloud without looking at him and speaks informally- let go of my arm
he says it is cuz he is worried
she pulls her arm away and goes
J’s mom explains to M how surprised she was cuz J’s dad’s face got pale and he couldnt move his arm for a bit
J’s dad motions to M not to say anything
she says the doc said that J’s dad ended up that way cause all his fatigue added up
dad tells her to call the nurse cuz his IV treatment is done
she turns to her husband and says she knows how to take the needle out too
she bugs him to get a total checkup
dad says the doc said he would be better after he rested a day
outside of J’s room
she hears from M about her husband’s condition
M tells her even tho she is shocked she needs to hurry and urge the dad to get surgery
Y/J watches from afar
she thinks M is sweet talking her mom
the mom is about to faint from the shock of the news
so Y/J almost runs to her but hides again
and M escorts her mom
Y/J wonders what M told her mom for her mom to not be able to walk without his help
P asks IJ who she is dating if it isnt Y’s brother cuz Y said it wasnt her brother
IJ asks if P met Y
P says that Y told her that IJ told Y never to tell so P wonders why it is such a secret
IJ asks why P is asking that to Y when IJ already told her she would tell P later
P says to be honest she saw IJ with her guy- that night P followed IJ out
P says  - his silhouette looked kinda like M
IJ says what are you saying
P says she is sorry and knew IJ would get mad
P: you and M – that is ridiculous
IJ says she will tell P later so P shouldnt do that from now on
P asks he isnt married right
IJ says he isnt
* someone needs to get P glasses cuz she is blind as a bat
J’s mom cries over her husband
26 days 4 hrs 59 mins left
Y leaves work
J calls S and complains Y hasnt come home again when an hour has already passed
S: what do you want me to do? i told you already – her life (how she lives) has priority over yours
J says she knows that but asks if he cant drop by anyway for a sec
S yells why over and over
J: why are you mad at me? did i do something wrong?
S appears saying : no – no – no
he says how he got punished cuz of J
it isnt your fault but for your sake – while helping you
i received a penalty
have to stay a whole week longer
J: omo – is that why that grandma sunbae showed up?
S: for the past 5 yrs i never once broke the rules for a scheduler
but for your sake that day..
 J keeps saying she is sorry- what do i do I feel so bad
S says if she is sorry then dont call him if she can help it
cuz when I see your face I get more peeved
he says he feels like an army guy who has only a month left of his enlistment
if you ask him to stay in the army a week longer
he’ll want to break out
J: it would be nice to know when Y will come hom
there is no way for him to find out what Y is doing huh
S cant believe she is asking and yells -of course not
and disappears
Y is getting her test done – brain monitoring i think or testing her brain activity while she sleeps to see if she has some sleeping disorder
Noh watches from the doorway
flashback to picnic scene
S and Y together lying on a blanket while she looks thru a book of homes
and he listens to music
they are sharing ear buds listening to his music
she is lying down leaning her head on his tummy and he looks down at her
he kisses her
Y’s test are done
Noh explains what the results show and suggest that she get some treatment done
didnt catch any of this cuz i dont know medical terms at all
H is listening to J’s song
he remembers how Y picks on her fingers when she is nervous
then Y performing that magic trick for the kid
then her eating pasta with chopsticks and taking out bay leaf
then her playing the piano and humming that song
waiter comes and tells H to come and eat
H asks the waiter if Y came
and gets mad cuz she is late
waiter reminds him Y is a freelancer
H mutters to himself
if she left like that yesterday
she should at least come to work on time today
he remembers how she has to go home by 11-so did her dad collapse
he calls but he cant reach her
he says – why is this girl like this
J is pacing and worried. she doesnt think her dad will suspect M on his own. she realizes she needs to know what is going on (with M’s plan) for her to do something about it. she remembers his safe and wonders how to open it
*she needs to use Blue’s idea and sneak in with M as J and watch him open it so she will know the code but knowing J- she will need to watch him unlock it a few times to see which digits he punched in cuz it is way more than 4 like she thought- her IQ aint that high yet to get it on her first try. Too bad she cant be holding a pad and pencil to jot them all down.
H goes to her place and runs into Y coming home
he looks at how she is dressed
she barely looks at him and is about to go in
he calls out her name ‘song”
he asks why she saw him and acted like she doesnt know him
she asks who he is
and walks away
H:what is this- is she a twin?
J asks Y why she came so late
Y lies down to sleep
J: the days I have left are dwindling down but the things I have to do
there are more and more adding up
I’m asking this as a favor but please come home on time
H is in his car and wonders if she is a twin
he is about to get out to ask if Y is there but he stops
he remembers how the waitress asked about her sibling
and Y said she didnt have any younger siblings
then he sees her getting in a cab
J’s dad is having another meeting -he signed the will
he apologizes to the witnesses for calling them out twice and thanks them
lawyer said he will prepare the will accordingly and bring it over
he looks over at J’s pic
IJ and P are called to the house by J’s mom
she tells them that the dad needs surgery for his tumor
she asks them to urge him to have surgery cuz he thinks of them as his daughters
he wont listen to her
M has a meeting with that land guy -jung ( but i keep forgetting this name)
M informs him that J’s dad wont live long
all they have to do is wait a month or two
the guy tells M to worry about his stuff
and the other guy will handle his
M says the guy is about to sell something that is worth $10 for $3 and is now able to sell it for $10
the guy says in his eyes it looks like M doesnt want to let go of J’s dad
M says he has proof of something to blackmail the guy with
* M is trying to reverse the takeover of the company so he can get it thru the will legally
P tells IJ to get in so they can go to the hospital
IJ says for her to go ahead alone cuz she has somewhere to go
P asks how she can go somewhere else instead of the hospital
IJ calls M and wants to meet quickly
he says he has to go home to pick up some imp papers that he needs in a hurry
she says she will go to his home then to meet him
Y/J is already there trying to open M’s safe
she remembers M telling her to use info about ppl who are imp to her so she wont forget the secret number
all the numbers on her list are 4 digits for bdays or cell phone numbers
she tries IJ’s bday first
then M’s mom’s bday
she hears the door opening
M comes home
just as he is about to go into his bedroom
she comes out with an armload of laundry pretending to be startled
M: Y-why are you here….what are you doing here?
she says she was going to (surprise him?) but now it’s no fun cuz she got caught
she lies that she came to return his house key but it bothered her that she walked out that day without doing laundry
M: you think that makes sense?
Y/J: why doesnt it?
they hear the door opening
IJ comes so M pushes Y/J into the room
he asks her not to come out and stay in here
he hears IJ calling out oppa and is alarmed cuz he knows Y will know everything between him and IJ now
he looks at Y and she nods like she will do as he asked
M goes out to meet IJ
he says he is in a hurry so she can talk on the way in the car
he tries to lead her out but she shakes off his hand
IJ: why didnt you tell me?
M: about what?
IJ: that J’s dad has a tumor
why didnt you tell me
Y/J is shocked to hear this about her dad
M: IJ wait a minute
IJ: you already knew
that is why J’s dad signed that will today
but why didnt you tell me
he says he was afraid it would be hard on her
if you knew J’s dad had cancer I knew how you would feel
IJ: and it wasnt cuz you were annoyed at having to control me 
M tries to get her to go out saying that land deal guy is waiting
but IJ isnt moving
she tells him to hurry and go thru with the takeover
so M looks back at his room and yells out IJ’s name
IJ: why are you getting angry?
I’m telling you to do what we originally planned
dont just think about yourself and think of me too
M hugs her trying to console her and tells her to calm down
she pushes him back
IJ: after J ended up like that
this is a plan that doesnt have any meaning for me
he hugs her again saying he gets it so stop already
IJ tells him to hurry and carry out his plan and sell off the company and take haemido
finish it as quickly as possible
not being able to leave and having to stand by and watch is hell
Y/J cries even harder in the room
M says he gets it so let’s go out
and have the rest of the talk
he tells IJ to sit while he changes clothes
he goes in and locks the door
Y is there giving him a dirty look
she puts her fingers to her lips meaning dont talk cuz IJ might hear
she faces the door so he can change and makes a fist in anger
he get something out of the safe
it is the file she wants
she sees it on top of the briefcase
he says he will explain the situation later
she nods
he goes out
she cries again
they leave and she falls to the ground calling out for her dad crying a lot
M tells the land guy he cant do something till M tells him he can
as Y/J is walking along in a daze
S’s voice keeps telling Y/J that she got a call from M
then he screams it
missed calls from M- 7 and missed calls from H -5
S: the traveler J who doesnt want to answer her phone
you are no longer allowed to call anyone in this neighborhood anymore
she finds herself at Heaven
M goes home and looks for her
he calls her
S’s voice says her phone is off
he throws his phone in frustration
H mutters she left her home at 2 and she still hasnt come when it is past 5
he also wonders why Y/J isnt answering her phone
M calls H asking to speak to Y
H :why are you looking for her? she didnt come in today
M asks for her home address then
i have to speak to her quickly cuz of a job position
H lies and says he doesnt know it
M says ok – let’s meet next time
H goes outside and Y/J is sitting there
the chef tells H she came 20 mins ago but she looked too tired so he told her to rest
he tells H to give the hot drink to her
H takes it over to her and tells her to drink it
H asks if she didnt eat again
what has she been doing all this time
he tells her to go in and eat first
she says no cuz she didnt even work today
H: then you  didnt eat and came in to work
she says she didnt come to work
H;then why did you come?
Y/J: i just automatically came here
H: I know something is going on so dont say there is nothing
what is going on – tell me so I know
Y/J: nothing special
H: is your father sick
Y/J: no
H: then is your older sister sick
Y/J: i dont have one
H: then your younger sibling?
she says she doesnt have any
he starts to say : then who did I meet….
Y/J says to herself that she shouldnt be sitting here like this
H:if it isnt your dad-older sister-younger sibling -then is it your mom?
you said before that you had someone to take care of and had to be home by midnight
Y/J:that was cuz I had a reason….she gets up
she lies and says she forgot she has an appt
and runs off
P asks IJ how she could do that when J’s dad has a tumor
was her appt that imp?
IJ says sorry and says something came up suddenly
P assumes IJ went to meet that guy so she asks to meet him
to see just how impressive he is
IJ says when did i say i was going to meet him
P says it is obvious
before you didnt do this and now you are
isnt it cuz of that man
how could you do this to J
when you even lived with J
IJ: just cuz i did- do i have to like J?
IJ: that is right- i dont like J
i’ve come to dislike her
dont i have the right to do that?
P:why are you like this 
IJ: did you always like J?
P “of course” she reminds IJ that J didnt want to separate from them so she stayed with them for 6 more months alone back then
IJ says that was so long ago so why is P bringing that up
P:why do you dislike J now?
IJ says J thought the world revolved around her so when she is asleep she thought the world stopped
P: so what- did she do anything bad to you?
IJ: you dont think she did?
M gives Y’s number to the secretary to find out the address that belongs to that cell phone number
the guy asks how much time he has to find out
M tells him to find out by tm morning
S is lying on a hammock singing and watching something on a samsung tablet 
Y/J goes to see him
she asks: what is that tear you are talking about
she is earnestly looking
S: you dont know what a tear is?
J: i am earnestly looking for someone who loved me
what is the purpose of those tears
he disappears and is standing right behind her
S:why are you directing your anger at your scheduler after getting by your friends
she explains ppl could love her and still not cry
he explains that tears give away emotions first
human cry when they go thru something emotional
cuz they love it so much
cuz they are so sad
cuz it bothers them so much
cuz they feel so indignant
like a guitar-dunng-dunng
so what is the problem
J: it’s cuz I cant trust it
each of my friends- there is no way they would …
S: are you a person who can cry for another person 100%
S: can you-J- cry 100% for someone else
Y/J brags that she can
S: this is why i dont like humans
he tells her not to boast that she can if she hasnt done it
she asks him to be honest with her
is there someone who truly loves her
S: how would I know that? I’m not in charge of that
J: it is cuz it is too hard (I’m going thru a rough time)
S says more softly:
a human’s heart changes -there is no forever
they love
they hate
it was intense (hot) 
it got cold
they get disappointed/upset
then thankful
then understanding
he compares the emotions to guitar strings i think cuz he says : guitar – dunng dunng
Y/J: so in the end – you are saying it is tear
(I love this scene cuz of H’s answer -that last line)
H is pacing back and forth
H tells the chef
H: if she doesnt have an older sister or younger sister
then who is the girl I saw?
chef says he might have seen incorrectly
H: she looked exactly the same
but acted like she didnt know me
chef says then go and confirm it 
H: I should go and make sure?
chef: if you are curious if Y lied
or if you are curious why you keep feeling Y is J
or if you are worried cuz Y seems to be going thru something difficult
you have to go to know what you are feeling
H: i think it is all three
H goes to her home again
he remembers how Y/J said she had to be home by midnight cuz there is someone waiting
he stands there and wonders why the lights are always out if someone is inside
just then Y/J comes home
she is on time he says as he hides and watches her go in
he thinks: did she lie to me?
who was that woman yesterday?
did she pretend not to know me?
he is determined to ask
he turns as Y comes out
she stares at him for a second and he looks at her then she walks past him
he follows her to the cafe
he watches her go in
H: who is she meeting here? what is this – she has a second job?
he goes in and she greets him
he stares and orders coffee
he sees her name tag
she asks him to pay $4 first for the coffee
he asks if her name is Y
she says yes
H: are you Y?
she says : you said that yesterday to me too-  you are him arent you? do you know me?
he shakes his head a little in disbelief and walks out without a word
H goes to chef’s home
chef: so you are saying it is Y but she is not the Y we know right?
chef’s wife points out if he says that 3 more times he said it 30 times
H : did she forget her memory cuz something happened
the wife points out if he says it 2 more times he said that 20 times
H says the more he thinks about it the stranger it is
starting from 48 days she keeps counting down
chef says he heard of 49days but this is the first he heard of 48
chef says he heard something about how a wandering soul can come back to life
for 49 days they have to find something or complete something
if something is holding them back they cant come back
H says not to talk about stuff like that -isnt there anything else
J sits in the dark and cries
 remembering what IJ said about J’s dad
and what her friends said about how J
and how S told her to find ppl who truly loved her and collect 3 teardrops
25 days 4hrs 59 mins left
Y comes home and thinks about H: he def seemed like he knew me.
why was he so surprised?
J to Y: onyi – you are not sleeping right away today
you must know that I am leaving today
onyi thank you for everything up to now
and i am sorry
this was the only way so i decided to leave
no mattter how much i wait and try
I realized there isnt anyone who loves me
I must not have lived well
Y lies down to sleep
J: oh that’s right
I didn keep my promise to you
i said I would find yi soo
onyi- be well
she cries and goes into her body
Y/J gets up and decides to erase any trace that she had been there
she gets rid of the shampoo
she cleans up
even if she gets caught she wont be back anyway
she writes out a note and tells Y
dont be surprised onyi
since I inconvenienced you
i am going to clean your place to make up for that
also dont be scared cuz i wont appear again
she writes a letter to her dad too
S watches her write the letters but doesnt stop her
dad-it’s me J
you just met Y a few mins ago and you might not believe her saying she is me
so i am writing this letter-believe what Y said and read this letter
i was in her body – your daughter J
she warns about M and what he is doing
he is trying to get haemido and your company
hurry and update your will and take M out of it
also hurry and get surgery
be healthy
i’m sorry i cant be by your side when you have surgery
i’m sorry mom
she puts on a pretty dress and goes out
she throws out the shampoo
and hands out presents at Heaven
she thanks the staff
she goes to see H who is dozing in his chair
she speaks informal language to him
saying it’s a great morning han kang
why are you so surprised?
is this your first time hearing informal korean
he says her name
she says Y is a year older than him so she can speak like this
cuz you lived in america for 10 yrs so you might not know this
in our country if one is older than we can speak informally
he thinks to himself that she has a strange personality
he gets up and asks what she is doing
she begs him to listen to her just for 3 minutes -2 mins-1 min
someone a long time ago said
even if you are misunderstood you dont defend/clarify
instead of letting that person get hurt it’s better if you are misunderstood
he asks if she knows that she is saying something with the same meaning in different words
that person
i think it is like that when you love someone
you rather not make excuses so the other person doesnt get hurt-even if you are misunderstood 
now i know how much that person must have felt hurt
hiding what you feel in your heart is a lot harder to do than not knowing how you feel
H says her minute is up
Y/J:then i guess i have to end it
she hands in her resignation
and thanks him for eveything he did for her till now
in her head she says “take care kang ah”
he asks what this is
Y/J: my formal resignation
I decided to go away somewhere
H: leaving? to where?
she says she is leaving far away to somewhere  good
H thinks she is going to M cuz he remembers how M said he has to reach Y/J in a hurry cuz of her job postition
H: going to M is that good?
H” why? you thought i didnt know?
she says she isnt going to M’s home  to work
he accuses her of lying
she repeats she isnt going to M’s home to work
H: then are you going there to live?
you should have said from the start that you were interested in M
why are you making a person confused?
what is your objective?
Y/J: you said you werent even close to J
why are you so concerned about her fiance
H: i am not talking about my friend’s fiance – i am talking about you
she thinks to herself – you dont like Y going to M that much?
H: what kind of person are you? are you living for money?  how many faces do you have?
how many truths are there? with this face and that face – are you playing around with ppl?
what were you doing last night? who was the woman i met?
Y/J: stop it! what do you want to know
you want to know that much about Y? she is an orphan
she has no one to talk to
no one to lean on
and not a single person loves her
that is who she is
is that what you want to know?
she tells him to take care with some korean slang words added on
H yells at her to go and not to come back-dont even think about coming back
Y/J walks away wishing he had just told her to have a safe trip
since this is their last time
he should have just sent me away smiling
she cries and looks back
Y/J goes to her hospital room
 she asks the woman there where the guardians were
the nurse says both of them went home
she says to her body : J -you had a hard time thru all this huh?
wait just a little longer
i will go back to you
let’s go together
Y/J walks in and listens to her parents fighting by the door
J’s mom is yelling at her husband
since she let him do what he wants and put M in the will
this time he should listen to what she wants
he said he would do everything she wants if she asked for something he can do
the mom points out what else can he do for her but the surgery
what can he do for her if he dies without the surgery
Y/J :what are they saying – if he doesnt have the surgery that he could die
mom asks: cant you think about me?
dad: i wont die
until J wakes up I wont die
mom: 5 months? 3 yrs? even if you waited 10yrs- J might never wake up 
she says – dad – you are not having surgery cuz of me
he asks his wife to listen to his wishes
I cant leave my daughter lying there lonely
and have surgery
how can I when she is lying there like that
Y/J cries a lot and so does her mom
her dad continues
I didnt get to promise
I didnt get to say goodbye
if she has to leave
I want to send her off with my own hands (send her off in peace)
if she comes back
I want to be the very first one to hug her
how can I have the surgery
i dont want to
i wont have the surgery
her mom cries
Y/J cries
chef finds J’s seal in the potted plant and wonders why it is here
H says he didnt put his seal there
chef reads the name – J
H is surprised
Y/J stands in the middle of a crowded place
watching ppl walk by
someone please save me
God- save me
I have to live
I want to live
there is a teardrop in her pendant
she looks at it in shock and cries
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