49 Days E11
Everyone who guessed H was the first tear got it right. How cool is it that he knows everything now? I really thought this episode would end with IJ discovering M together with Y/J. I never counted on THAT happening. How are they going to resolve that? Just pop her back in? THIS IS THE BEST DRAMA EVER!!!!!!!!—49 Days E11— Y/J stands in there in the middle of a crowd and and makes that plea to liveafter the tear shows up in the pendant, she holds it and asks -is this a tear? who was it?she cries a lot and looks up at the sky–H is at J’s bedsidehe says it is good to see you again J—H tries the seal and it does say J’s name on itchef asks why J left her seal in this roomH says J never came to my room – not even oncechef asks who put that here thenH says it was J-then runs outin the car he remembers all the things that made him think J and Y were the same persontheir same habits and mannerismshe says to myself- what i felt/sensed was correct–he goes to J’s bedsideH: it was youJ- you were by my sidehe criesher blood pressure went up slightly for a secondhe holds her handH: it is good to see youi dont know how this happenedbut it’s good to see younurse comes inhe asks where J’s parents aredid anyone drop by?she says some girl came byhe asks when and where did she say she was going—Y/J walks along and saysthere was someone who loved mei didnt think there would be a single onebut thank youS shows up and sings congratulations to hercongratulations on your first tearhe says something about 27 yrsshe hugs him-exclaimingI got one – I got a teardrophe pushes her off saying: why are you doing this?you are not my type ….I thinkwe cant act like thishe remarks that there is a penalty for thisshe says-sorry-it was cuz she was so happy to see himhe retorts for her to “lick her lips and lie” (must be a korean expression)does a human who is glad to see me leave a farewell message like this?he shows her the message she had left him on his phoneY/J: schedulerI am leavingmy dad wont get surgery cuz of meyou already know but I have no confidence to get 3 tearsso that is why i am leavingmy heart is too conflicted/confused so I cant meet you to say goodbyethank you for everythingY/J: it is cuz i knew I would meet you again when I rode that elevatorS; that is right – changing minds is common for women in this neighborhoodY/J: who does this tear belong to? who cried?S: do you still want to ask me stuff like that?did you forget about my “week delay” penalty?she ignores him and asks : it is P huh? it has to be herS: humans in this neighborhood believe what they wantY/J: it has to be for sure - it could only have been PS: if it was – are you going to go and thank herY/J: of course i have to – she gave me a teardropcuz she is the only one who truly loved me——————————————————————————————H goes to J’s homehe asks the maid if J is homeshe says dont you know J is in the hospitalhe says her parents werent at the hospitalthe maid says they just left to go back to the hospitalH asks if anyone dropped by the housemaid mentions how a girl came by – J’s friendhe asks what she looked like and what her name wasmaid says she doesnt know her name butshe describes her as being tall, skinny, and pretty and came by before toohe asks if she met J’s parents—–Y/J goes to Pshe calls out P’s nameP asks if she came to buy bread but Y/J says she came to see Pcuz I wanted to thank youP:for what?Y/J says for the bread P let her eat for free last timeP says that wasnt a big deal and Y didnt need to come by just to thank her for thatY/J: like a rock you throw for fun and hit a frog and kill itone piece of bread can save someone who was dying of hungerP: you were hungry then?Y/J: my heart hungeredfrom loneliness cuz i dont have any friendsP:you didY/J: the friend you have in the hospital is a very lucky person to have P as a friendP: J is my friend so I am luckyY/J says to herself that is was P (who gave her the tear)P asks why Y/J doesnt have a friendIJ shows up and watches P and Y talkingshe remembers how Y/J promised not to tell anyone that IJ was dating Mthen how P asked who IJ’s bf was—————————————————————-Y/J sees IJ and thinks about what IJ said to M about hurring up and ending itand M taking haemidoIJ asks Y/J if she is here to buy breadY/J makes a snarky remark to IJ about how great it is to be a secretary cuz she can go anywhere at anytime during work hoursshe must have a big hearted bossomo – your boss’s daughter is J- M’s fiance…IJ is scared P will hear and calls out Y/J’s nameY/J says makes a comment that IJ is going too far (dating her friend’s fiance)she gives IJ a dirty look and walks offP comes over and asks why IJ cameIJ asks what Y said – is P close to herP asks if that is why IJ came-to ask thatIJ says she came to make up with Pthru the windowY/J gives IJ a dirty look and says something and goesIJ wonders what kind of woman Y/J is—— M cant focus on his meeting- all i heard is the word spa a lothe keeps thinking about how Y/J heard everything -after that she disappearedwhen IJ came to his placeM gets a callhe goes to his office and the guy reports that he cant get Y’s addresscuz her cell phone isnt registered under any nameM asks if that makes sense since she has a numberdid he look carefully?the guy says he has done this before (so if he cant find it no one can)H walks in and asks if J came by (missed some cuz my TV screen froze-it did that on the torrent too so it happened everywhere in korea)M asks H why he doesnt know Y’s home address – didnt he get a resume from her?H asks M to contact H if he hears from YH leaves in a hurry and M wonders why H is like thatH is at the elevatorsIJ watches them talk when the doors openM goes out and asks him what H meant by “did you meet J”H says he made a mistake M:then what about Y?why are you looking for her? what is going onH says he will explain laterIJ asks M what is going onM says it isnt a big dealIJ wonders why they are talking about both Y and J—as he walks out he says to himself: J – where did you go?you are not at homethe hospital and not at M’sH remembers how Y/J said she was leavingH thinks to himself: didnt leaving mean that you were going back to who you were?he wonders what she meant by leaving–H goes to Y’s home and knocks a lotand asks where she isthen he sees her coming homehe calls her Jshe backs up a few stepshe follows her upY/J: why are you like this?he grabs her armH: JY/J: why are you doing this again?told you I was YH: no – you are Jhow did this happen?what happened to you?her pendant glows and burns herH:what is wrong?Y/J: I am not – I am not JI am Yshe runs down but he holds her arm againhe calls her name again – Jshe yells she isntand shakes off his graspY/J: i am not – I am Yshe keeps repeating it in a trembling voicehe thinks to himself : you can’t say that it is you?Y/J: look here boss -I am not Jand also not your part time workerI have nothing to do with youH thinks to himself: J – you have some kind of problem huh?Y/J: so dont ever show up here againcuz i dont want to hear that nonsenseshe turns to leaveH: I got itI made a mistakeI…she turns and gives him a glare then leavesshe runs off and goes in and locks the doorshe wonders how he knew and why he is acting like that suddenlyhe stands outside and watchesH: from the very firstshe never told anyone that she was Jwhat is the reason why she couldnt say?and who is Y?Y/J thinks H leftshe is about to sleep and looks aroundshe says to herself – what do i do- i came home early just for this but cuz of H…..i shouldnt have cleanedwhat do i do if this onyi suspects?since the place is too cleanshe tries to make it dirty againwhile trying to make the place dirtyshe drops the contents of a boxshe finds a card written by yi soo: Y-congrats on becoming a middle school studentshe reads another one – congrats on turning 20 yrs oldand something about how he will congratulate her when she is really old tooand Y/J realizes he isnt Y’s brothercuz S had said that Y was an orphanshe realizes yi soo might be the guy who is deadY/J lies down to sleepand says she is sorry to inconvience her againJ pops outshe explains her situation and how she has lots to dobut she promises to find out what happened to yi soo—Y wakes up and sees her clean bathroomand remembers how Noh said she might not rememeber anything she doeswhile she was sleepwalkingcuz her body moves while she sleepsY leaves with J tagging alongand H watches Y go—–Y meets with Nohshe says she is less scared – knowing that she is sleepwalkingbut she thinks there is someone she doesnt know who is like herNoh suggest she get the treatment he mentioned before-hypnotherapythe day after the hospital is closed so she can be more comfortablewithout the staff around–J cries and tells her dad to get surgerydad -why are you so adamantwhat do you want me to do?all i got was just one teardrop till nowif something happens to you before the 49 days are upwhat am I supposed to do?his wife tells him not to get the surgeryJ asks how she could say thatwife continues – you said M would watch over J and me in your placei dont need himunless you are watching over usI dont want a guardianI will be J’s guardianif you die – I will take care of your funeralsomehow i will live longer than Jso dont worry and dieJ’s dad asks his wife why she is acting like thisis it cuz you cant trust M?J: dad you cant trust M -you cantJ’s mom: it isnt cuz I cant trust Mi am just saying I dont need himcuz i can do itI am J’s momsince he took care of themthis time she will take care of him and JJ cries listening to their conversation—————————————24 days 4hrs and 59 mins leftY comes home and H is still therehe watches Y go inY/J comes out and leaveshe thinks to himselfthat is what happenedshe borrowed Y’s body and lived (OMG )–Y/J is looking in the want ads for a jobH comes uphe says she said she was leaving for far away somehwere nice-but you didnt goshe asks why he came againH: i came to scout youY/J: what?H: if you cant find a place to worklet’ go to my storeY/J turns him down and starts to walk awaybut he blocks her with his bodysaying :wait a secondyesterday when I made that mistakeafter drinking during the day and falling asleepI dreamt it so that is why I behaved that wayin my dream you showed upand said you were J and asked me to save youto be honest I sleepwalkY/J: are you saying that makes sense?H: if what I said doesnt make sensethen are you really J?it is ridiculouswhat did i do that was so wrong?the dream is the bad guyor I am crazyY/J thinks to herself: has he gone crazy?H: you arent really thinking i am crazy right?she asks if he really does sleepwalkH tells her to go ask the chefcuz after H told him, H got scolded all night and came today to take her backY/J: why did you get in trouble by the chef?H explains how the chef is buddisthe had a prophetic dreamthat H’s place would go bankruptif he didnt bring Y backY/J: what does that mean?H: in the dream when you asked me to save youchef said that meant that I needed you or somethingY/J thinks to herself that H’s condition is that badH offers 50% more pay as a free lancershe can start and leave when she wantswhy did she have to hand him her resgination and humiliate him like thishe tells her to follow himshe runs over to himin the car they exchange quick glances at each othershe wonders if he really doesnt know?he tells her not to tell ppl about his sleepwalking conditionshe promises not to tell till she dies–H tells the staff that Y is a total free lancershe can come and go as she pleaseschef and his wife welcome her backwaitress is the only one who has a problemshe asks if Y gave her a cactus as a farewell present cuz Y thought the waitress seemed to have a cactus like personality- pirckly and meanand accuses Y of giving it to her to feel insulted since Y was quittingY/J says that wasnt why she gave that to heron the ouside you seem like you have a lot of pricklesbut inside you seem empathetic and full of tearsso that is why i gave it to youchef’s wife asks Y if the waitress is filled with tearsY/J explains she heard it from a drama but the waitress seems like ” a person who is ready to cry”Y/J gets a message to answer an incoming call (in S’s voice)she runs off to take the callwaitress remarks that Y is weird – how could she know thatchef’s wife says she never told Y that the waitress failed at marriagewaiter asks the waitress if she got a divorce—-chef promises H that he will keep the lie -that he dreamt thatH asks if the chef was living at jinan when he was a (dont know this job)chef says he hasnt been out of seoul since he followed H’s mom up hereH then asks for details about what the chef mentioned before – about the 49 days and what happens when you find somethingchef asks why H is asking suddenlyH says he is going to jinan tm and got curious suddenlychef asks whyH explains that he wanted to do some work on his mom’s home cuz her memorial is coming up and he wants to get some fresh airY comes down and asks if she can leave for a whileH asks if she is coming back and wants to know she will come backshe says of couse she will come backhe makes her promise before she goesif she is going to go straight home while she is outsideshe has to call him to tell him thatshe thinks it is odd but promises to do sochef looks surprised at H’s behavior too——Y/J goes to meet MM says she is a hard person to reach-why did you turn your phone off?Y/J: do i have to explain/report to you why i turned it offhe mentions how she saw him in that silly situation (with IJ at his place)and wanted to clarify and that she already knows how much he called hershe says he called 27 times in 2 dayshe asks to hear the reason why he had to call 27 times in two daysY/J: i didnt come here to tell you that reasoni came to return thisshe returns his house keyshe says that it wasnt enough that he did that to his fiancebut that he was scary enough to keep that fiance’s friend as his gfshe knew he was that kind of guy but she doesnt want to go in that guy’s home anymoreI am not saying i wont meet you againM: even if there was something you needed to hear to meet me? (not sure of this line)Y/J: i already knew you were a bad guyshe lists everything he is doing that is bad-bankrupting fiance’s family - and add’s his fiance’s friendhe owns up to everythingthat IJ was his long term gfthat he loved her before he even went abroad to studyhow she waited 2 yrs for him to come backY/J says it isnt fun to reveal everything at oncetell me when I ask youi have no interest in what you two have planned or are doinghe thinks to himself : does that mean she knew everything and still wants to meet mehe gets a callso she says she will leavebut he holds her hand and makes her sit down againshe hears the conversationthe name is someone who helped her dad when he first started outM yells into the phone that it cant happen and says he will talk when he goes down there tm__-M tells his staff that he is going on a business tripIJ wonders what is going onshe calls M and says : you said you had nothing imp to do tm didnt you?H tells her he is going on a business trip tmshe asks why suddenly and wants to go with himbut he says he is going with other ppl and it wont be a day tripshe asks if that means he will be back the day after tm he says yes cuz he is going to see some more placeshe hangs up before she can tell him to have a safe trip——–H is waiting outside by his carwondering where Y/J went-he thinks he needs to hurry and asks where she is taking off to all the time and what she is doingchef watches himshe shows up so he pretends to have been stretchingshe asks what he is doing at the parking lothe tells her to mind her own business in an odd wayIJ shows up—–IJ and H go to his office to talkIJ says Y is back when IJ thought she had been goneshe asks if he is dating YH:what are you talking about?IJ: then why are you looking for her like that and why were you asking M where she wasH asks how she knew all thatshe says she was there by the elevator-didnt he see herH: you were there?IJ asks what is going onhe changes the subject and asks what she came to sayshe wanted to know if he had time tmhe says he is going to Jinahnshe asks whyhe says just cuzso IJ lies and says that is good cuz she was here to ask him to go to jinan she was going with P too -to see the flowers bloomingshe says let’s go togetherhe says he has to leave early cuz in the day he has to do a lot of thingsshe asks him to make time to eat dinner at least—IJ comes out and sees Y/Jshe asks what Y/J is doingY/J asks if IJ has something to sayIJ goes and sits sayingI dont have anything in particular to saybut cant i sit here?she said she thought about it and wasnt able to say hello properly to Y/ J that dayY/J mentions about keeping IJ’s secretIJ: you might not be able to understand but we have a situationY/J: i thought that would be the casethat is why i said i wouldnt tell anyoneIJ: is that true?Y/J: it bothered you didnt it when you saw me at Ps storeI have a way of speaking that might seem rudeIJ says she thought Y was kinda brusque to her cuz Y/J misunderstood IJY/J: without knowing the situationit is hard to look at your relationship favorablyIJ says let’s meet and talk sometime or see a movie togetherY/J asks how about tm?Y/J hears tm wont work cuz IJ is going to Jinahn–IJ says to P that there are spring flowers there at jinhanshe asks P to go togetherP says she doesnt want to gobut IJ says H is going to jinan tm tooshe asks P to go and offers to set up a meet with H———————————————-Noh is using hypnosis/hypnotherapy (that was the treatment i didnt know the name of in korean)Y is lying down with her eyes closedNoh tells Y :right in front of youyou see a door - dont you?start by opening that doorshe says she cant open ithe tells her to use her strengthshe says she opened it she remembers how she tried to hang herself and J told her to stopY screams so he tells her she is ok and then makes her wake up by snapping his fingershe asks what she sawshe asks – doctor – what did I see? (she saw J)he asks what she saw—-Y/J is counting money on her way outS shows up when Y/J is about to leaveS: you are just doing whatever you feel likeY/J asks what he is doing here cuz she didnt call himS: that is why – now you are just causing trouble and not asking questions firstY/J: i didnt cause any troubleS: you are on your way to causing it nowwith someone else’s body – you plan to go on a 1night 2day trip with a man?what kind of behavior is this?is this your body?Y/J: it isnt a 1 night 2 day tripshe pulls out her cell phonesee – i made reservations for an 8:30pm busI’ll be home before midnightS: M thinks it is a 1night two day tripdont you know anything about guys?they come up with excuses to turn it into a 1 night two day trip-that is what men doY/J: are you worried about me right now or Y?S:what are you saying?Y/J: arent you in charge of me? then why are you acting like you are Y’s brother?if i am late past 12 – I lose a dayyou think I would spend a night with M?do I want to be dragged by you to get on that elevator?S: that is why I am saying not to do itcuz it is dangerousY/J says that M and Ij are both going to jinahnS: so you are going there to interfere? spy on them?why are you going there?Y/J: i am going to do what i canmy dad is not getting his surgery cuz he has M to count oneven if I remain in a coma for the rest of my lifecuz my dad trusts that my mom will be my guardian in his placeI have to break that trustso that dad will get surgeryS tells her to get two more tears thenY/J: that is not something i can doS makes a comment about how she reacted over the first tearY/J: that was cuz I was moved about getting a tear from one personcuz of that – I got the strength to hang in therebut ppl loving me or notthat is something that could have been decided when I was aliveI realize that nowno matter what (???) you cant make someone love youS: what happens in this neighborhood after you leavejust leave it aloneit is something that already started in your lifeY/J: my dad’s life is on the lineS tells her to just goand if she causes trouble he doesnt know anythingit isnt his responsibilityshe says she isnt the old naive JI died cuz of one accidentafter i died – i escaped death two more timesi am not afraid of me dyingI am scared my dad will die cuz of meS: living and then dyingit doesnt work out cuz a human tried (cant be decided by effort)—chef’s wife prepared food and fruit for H to eat on his wayand he gives H a name of the monk at the templeH asks how the chef knew to give him this info when H didnt ask for itwhy does the chef act like he knows everythingchef says he doesnt know anythingH says he is afraid a little cuz he cant saychef says that he knows that H has a reason why he cant say itH thanks him—————————————————–Y/J is waiting and asks M for a ride to that placecuz she needs to go there tooM:why are you going to jinanY/J: cuz you are going there—H is on his way P and IJ leave too—–Y/J gets M to talk about Jwhat kind of woman is J?M: I dont think the woman you should be concerned about is JY/J: what kind of woman gets duped by her best friend and her bfhe says she wasnt fun-too sweet and innocentY/J: you’re not a fun guy eitherisnt that what no fun means?when you can see right thru them (what they are thinking and feeling)M: does that mean you can see inside of me (that I am transparent)?Y/J says M is transparentbut there is one thing I cant seewhy he has to stoop so low-going after bankruptcydoes he have something against his fiance’s family?M says he doesnt have anything like thatand that he told her in the past that J is kind and so are her parentsY/J: then why are you stooping so low without a reasonM gives her a vague reason-that it is a matter of bad luck- like with meshe presses for detailsso he says if she shows too much interest in such details it will be less funY/J: i am asking so I can have funI didnt plan to make it fun for youM: you said it wouldnt be fun to solve it all at once–H is still driving—M talks about the town cuz she had said this was her first time going therehow it has a lot of water and the air is cleaninwardly she says she knows that better than himhe points out the mountain ahead of themshe says inwardly -that was my playgroundY/J aloud says : it looks like fun—————— H goes and seeks a monk (the one the chef told him about)H says he heard the monk lived here 50 yrsmonk asks if H doesnt think much of him cuz the monk looks so poorH says he doesnt think that—H keeps begging the monk to tell himand promises not to tell anyone elseI already know that I cant tell anyonemonk: if you know you cant tell anyone then why are you asking me say iti plan on living 30 more yearsH: so for 49 days – cant let anyone find out who you aremonk: i dont knowthat is what other ppl say (the monk repeated the same lines twice-maybe an editing error)H:then after 49 days-what does someone need to do to live——————————- M tells Y/J that he has to go meet with a factory worker and look around a spa and will take a while so what is she going to do to kill timewhen she had asked to go to the factory with himhe says when did I say i was going thereshe says she heard him talking with someone saying thathe says he isnt going to the factorywhen he is done he will call herso she should kill time on her ownshe runs out to get a cab but some other girl takes itY/J was planning to trail him in the cab—M argues with that guy – forgot his name jang? jung?the guy makes some kind of threatit is an argument about the land cuz M is stallingguy threatens to tell J’s dad everything i thinkM says he didnt put the guy here for him to do thatM orders him not to cause trouble till M gives the orders—–P and IJ go to their old schoolP says if she didnt have that skin allergy and moved to jinanshe wouldnt have met IJ and JP points out some of their memoriesand IJ says there are only good memories for P(guess IJ’s wasnt)P wants to go to all their old places where they lived and went to schoolIJ says she has to make a call firstshe calls and finds out where M is staying-his room number—–Y/J wanders around and H sees her from a distancehe thinks:J – you must have been lonely all this timeno one recognized youyou couldnt tell anyonehow lonely you must have been—- flashback to J making kids choose cards to pick teams (in pairs)same cards make a teameveryone chooses except for Hso J gets stuck with him and doesnt want to be partnered with himshe tries to get someone to switch with herY/J remembers how H hit her head and said he doesnt want to work with her tooshe looks over and sees Hhe calls out her nameshe turns and asks herself _what should i do?he asks what she is doing hereshe stalls for answerso he mentions how she must have found out this school was famouscuz he graduated from hereshe says to herself that her school isnt famousH : I asked the wrong questionI should have asked what you are doing in jinanshe says she came with MH:with M?Y/J: i came with him but it was just to come with himH thinks : guess you still like MY/J: i dont like a guy who has a fianceshe says she has nothing going on with MH says that she could like someone with a fiancecuz who she likes is up to herhiding what you feel is more painful than ignoring themshe wonders why he is like this suddenly and isnt getting mad(cuz H is acting understanding)they both get callsM calls Y/J and asks where she is and what she is doingIJ calls Hthey agreed to meet at 6 at the restaurant by the end of the spring flowersM gets a text from IJshe wants to talk to him when he is done and asks when he is done with workbut he lies and says he is going drinking with some ppl—M scouts around a spa with a bunch of guys—P and IJ are at a spaP is happy cuz her skin is betterIJ tells P to tell H that IJ stopped by at homeand for them to have dinner togetherP asks when IJ will comeIJ says she isnt goingafter 30 mins call me wondering why i am not comingthen I will say that I cant make it cuz something happened at homeP is happy-you really arent coming?Ij says of courseshe tells P to give her car to IJand go back with H in his carP is happyIJ tells her not to talk too much about JP asks if IJ is going to go to her parents homeIJ says yesIJ gets a text -he knows you came to jinanM said for you to come to the entrance of the spring flowers by 7IJ thinks the text if from M’s secretary but Y/J sent it———————————————————————————————–H asks what she is going to do with the time she has left cuz she doesnt have to meet M till 7Y/J says she will just manage by herself he remarks how cuz she doesnt even know the area hereH offers to show her around and tells her to get inhe watches her differentlyhe keeps watching her eat and stuffY/J thanks H for showing her aroundhe tells her to have fun with MP calls and asks why H isnt comingY/J tells him she is going and walks awayshe thinks to herself that P is waiting aloneH says to P that he is on his way—Y/J meets with Mhe asks where and what she didY/J: i had a fun timeM: doing what alone?Y/J: it is pretty here so let’s walkM: arent you hungryafter we eat -it’s nice here at night tooY/J: it is cuz I feel like walking nowshe starts to walk ahead and he grins and seems happy like he is on a dateIJ gets out of the cabY looks at her watch (knowing IJ is coming)suddenly Y/J is dizzyM asks what is wrongshe says she is dizzyeverything starts to spin around herand J pops outM keeps calling Y’s namehe asks if she is okshe looks at himshe askswho are you?endOMG i freaking love this drama–preview—H asks Y/J: do you like M that much to follow him to jinahn?Y/J tells H that she had a reason to follow him and that is why she did itH punches out M calling him a “bas*&**”M asks H:why are you doing this? cuz of Y?IJ to Y/J: you know we are in a relationship so what are you trying to do?Y/J: are your afraid I might steal M away from you?H comes out in a suit with flowersso Y/J asks him where he is going dressed so niceH: on a dateY/J: so you were a playboyM to Y/J: what do you want from me?Y/J: you can never know meM: now you are not someone I want to know
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