49 Days E19
I think we have to keep our faith that the writer won’t fail us now. They have always surprised us, but always in a good way so let’s be optimistic about the finale tm night.–Partly cuz I was too busy with recaps and partly cuz I rather be surprised…I have no idea what tonight and the finale is going to reveal. Whatever I write will be one hundred percent unadulterated joy or anguish. For the sake of others who hate spoilers, I won’t write about the ending here after it airs. It will be at the bottom of the page. * but can I just say this about the ending – OMG! –even though the scheduler’s name is Yi soo- I kept it S cuz it got confusing writing Y and then YS over and over for their scenes –49 Days E19—
After receives her two other tears, J holds her pendant and says “this”S asks if it’s 3 teardrops. then confirms it is. J: it is huh?he acts impressed and says she lived a useful lifeshe wonders what happened -cuz there is no one she could receive tears from-she really doesnt have anyonehe reminds her he told her how humans are known for changing their minds and there is no forever.J:then does it mean I can go back? S: you must be very curious who they are,but she tells him not to tell her cuz she doesnt want to know.S:you dont want to know?J: if I know who it is, I might just love these 3 peoplehe tells her to go and she fades away.
as J’s mom and P cries over her, J opens her eyes and sees them. her dad comes in and asks why they are crying. he sees that J opened her eyes. P yells it out that J opened her eyes. they send P out to get the doctor. her parents yell out her name and cry.
Y has packed her stuff. chef knocks and comes in and asks why she isnt coming down to eat. she says she will be going cuz there is no more reason for her to be here. he asks where she is going and what she means by “no reason to stay here”. she leaves and he thinks she isnt the Y that he knows
chef calls H. H asks if J is ok and chef tells H they calculated the days wrong.chef: the real Y packed her stuff and went home-she said there is no more reason to stay here.H pulls over and wonders if that means J is dead
doctor is surprised this happened. her mom asks if J remembers her and J says of course.J says dad and then P’s name.
H keeps saying -it cant happen-it probably didnt. he gets a call from her mom that J woke up
Y goes back to her home and imagines seeing J talking to Y.
J’s getting a head scan. H rushes into her room and her parents says that J is getting a check up. H congratulates her parents and her dad congratulates H. H tells them that his dad is investing in the company. H says his dad is sending his lawyer to Korean tm. after he gets the contract for the investment, he will be making the desposit right away.
J’s dad asks how he can pay back H for this help. H says his dad looked over everything to do with haemido and decided to invest (strictly business). P comes in and says J is done with her checkup and says the doctor wants to see her dad.
H goes with her dad to meet the doctor. they hear good news about her recovery. J’s dad tells the doctor :see – a girl who woke up perfectly fine has no chances of survival you said? the doctor says its a miracle. J’s dad says it doesnt matter cuz she is alive.
H asks the doc if anything else is wrong. the doc says cuz her muscles have weakened, it will be hard for her to walk right away. H says he is going to see J
P is feeding J porridge . J says how good it taste. her mom tells her to eat slowly cuz there are many more days left for J to eat. J says it’s nice to hear her mom nag and wants another hug. her mom thanks her for coming back. J says her mom is the cutest mom in the world. P asks for another hug too. J thanks P.
P:what did I do for you to be grateful? J : for being born as my friend. P says it’s a cheesy line but it sounds really good. P says she is more grateful to J.
H comes in the room and J says to him: H- it’s been a while. but what are you doing here? did you come cuz you heard about me?H doesnt know how to reply so he says “huh? yes”. her mom starts to say what H did while J was in her coma but J interrupts and asks why M and IJ didnt come since H came too. her mom lies and says M went on a business trip cuz of haemido to Europe and they didnt get to contact IJ yet. J’s mom asks to see P and H outside. J tells her to talk here
J’s mom explains to them that since J just woke up-she wont be able to handle the shock of what’s going on between IJ and M. P says J shouldnt know about what happened to the dad’s company and his surgery. the mom decides to keep it a secret till J is better.
H asks if J came back with only memory from before the accident. P says of course J would go back to that memory and the mom says since J only had a week left before her wedding -it was the most happy time in her life. the mom promises to tell J later how much H suffered and helped them out. P says they should go back in before J thinks something is strange
M gets weird looks from ppl at the office. some men ask if M didnt know that M’s fiance woke up. M is surprised that J woke up
M goes to see Y. he goes in without knocking cuz he has a key. he apologizes and says he didnt know anyone would be here.
she tells him that J left and wont be back ever. if you dont believe me-go to J’s hospital and confirm it.he says he knows so she says why did he come here if he knows.
she gives back the contract for her home and tells him to get his deposit back from the landlady cuz she isnt going to stay here long and asks for the key back. M says he doesnt need a room that he got to chase her away.since it is already paid that is why he put her name on the contract. she asks for the key.
M: what are you going to do now?Y: since I am not J – dont be confusedM: wasnt the person who bothered you- you? she tells him to leave
J hears that her parents stayed with her all the time while she was in a coma. her dad says he stayed longer than her mom.
H smiles listening. J says she received a lot of love and that she is very lucky. J asks why H isnt leaving and still sitting there. her parents mention how good H was to them and how concerned he was about J. how H switched out the flowers and paid a lot of attention. J says “thank you” to him and says ”(they say) if a person suddenly changes they die-why are you doing that when it’s not like you “. she tells him to go.
chef asks H:did you meet J?H tells chef : J doesnt recognize/know mefor that time- she doesnt remember being with meshe forgot her memory for the past 49 days.chef worries that H has to start his one sided love again.H says the fact she came back is more importantnot that she doesnt remember him but he feels hurt (that she doesnt remember him)
he goes out and remembers the past 49 days. how can you not remember?
Y looks at the 15th circled on her calendar. she asks: yi soo-when are you coming? hurry and comeS is sitting by here
H goes to see Yhe says he came without calling cuz she doesnt have a phoneI came to tell you that J woke up. she regained consciousnessY says thank goodness.H says that J doesnt remember her time (49days)she probably wont remember you tooH: so I wanted to at least say thank you for helping JI’m really gratefulthat’s why I am saying thissince you quit your job at the coffee shop cuz of Jhow about if you work at my place.she tells him not to be concerned about herH says since the job is what she studied but she interruptsY: i have someone I am waiting forwait a minuteshe gets his bracelet and gives it back sayingY: J told me to give this back to you when she leftshe said it belonged to your momH: this is my mom’s? how…Y: she didnt tell me thatyou should ask her yourselfalso she said to tell you thatshe is gratefuland feels sorry that she only received and leftthat if it wasnt for you that she wouldnt have been able to endure this timeshe told me to tell you that
M finds out that something went wrong with the business deal. the guy wants to know how M is going to take responsisbility for this. M gets a text from IJ to eat
M asks the waiter if he heard anything from H about money problems. waiter tells him how H went to america and got investment. M yells at him for not telling him sooner but the waiter sayswhy should I tell you that? I’m not a guy who is greedy about money.M asks then if he was pretending to report to M during that timewaiter says he can take a test and go into that company (that M offered to help him with)and leavesM gets a call to go to the police station tm
IJ looks at pic of M and her. she goes and sits at that place M used to go with his mom
M gets drunk with his secretary friend. the friend said he cant watch M be ruined so he is only here till today. M accuses him of leaving cuz he doesnt have anything to gain from M anymore. the guy says how M used to be impressive. M says he knows how he ended up but he wont die like this.
IJ goes to see M. he asks why she came -could you not appear in front of me? I’m begging you not to show up. she says she came to tell him she is going out of seoul. if he needs her he can call cuz she is going to jinan for a short time. she says sorry.
J’s mom tells J that IJ is too sick to visit. J insists IJ will come right away if IJ knows that J woke upthe mom says IJ isnt even answering her phone so J tells her mom to go to IJ’s homeH shows up with flowers and cakehe says congratulations for coming back- from now on I am going to come every dayH asks her mom if it is ok for J to eat cake and J says she will eat the cake with IJ when she comesher mom mentions J’s friend (Y) and asks if J remembers entrusted her seal with her. J says she doesnt remember that. H offers to take her for her rehabilitation. he doesnt leave so she wonders why he is like that
H pushes her wheelchair outsideH: the air is good huh?J:how far are you going to go (pushing me)? H – why are you like this?H: do you not like me doing this?J :it’s not that I dont like it-it is uncomfortableH:what’s uncomfortable?how does it feel to come back alive?do you like it?they stare at each other as they say
J: i like it – I like it a lotH: I like it a lot too -cuz you came back to lifeJ- what did you do for 49 days – did you just sleep? did you have some dream by any chance?J: if I did dream – do I have to tell you?H: in that dream – did I not come out even once?J:why would you come out?she says she wants to go in and rest. M hides and watches H pushing J in her wheelchair
IJ: J woke up?J’s mom : you probably didnt want her to wake up but after she woke-she asked for youP says J is making a fuss for them to bring IJ so P tells her to go with J’s mom.IJ: you want me to go to J?P: J doesnt know anything about you and M and about the companyIJ tells them to lie and say she went overseas.mom: I’m not asking you to go beg for forgivenessjust act like you used to for a short timecant you do even that?IJ says she cant go.-she wont go
mom: why cant you go-you duped J for all those years and acted really well (pretending to be her friend) just do it like thatP says if IJ had an ounce of humanity IJ should gogo and act like before J’s accidentIJ begs her mom not to make her see JIJ says I was wrong -please dont make me meet her-please- I cant see J’s facebut P drags her off
J: H are you really going to come here every day and not work?H: that’s right I am going to come every day and play all day and goJ: I wish you would do design work more earnestly she looks at the sketch behind her
J: you drew that did you? I really like ityou have a talent that others dont have so why do you waste itH: cuz I have no one to show it to or enjoy it withif I do more design work seriouslywill you look at it?J asks herself-why is he like this so much
J’s mom brings IJ so J asks to speak to IJ alone and asks H to go get coffee with her momJ says she slept alot and dreamt.on my engagement day when I broke my heelI kept seeing you taking your shoes offat that time ….you took off your shoes and ran barefootat that moment you took off your shoes for my sake
IJ: what does that meanJ:shoes are a woman’s pride and you at that momentthrew away your pride for my sakeyou forgot about the engagement and thought of me firstcuz you were my friend J closes her eyes and says she is sleepy and tells IJ to go but J was cryingIJ goes home and cries J is in bed and both her parents are sleeping.
Y is pacing and S is upset cuz of the penalty he has a week left.he blames the sunbae and calls her a “bad grandma”suddenly he gets called by her
S goes to see the sunbae and asks why she called him when he didnt do anything wrong to get a penaltyshe yells back cuz he is being direspectful cuz his time is almost upS explains it’s cuz he is peevedsunbae asks if he is upset cuz his memory came back but he cant act like he knowsY.S tells her to stop -it’s so difficult I feel like I am dyingsunbae: can a dead guy die again? even if you die you have to meet Y tm and then dieS:what?sunbae says today is the end of his 5 yrs.S: cuz I got that penalty i have to do it for a week longersunbae only told him to be a scheduler for a week longerand she never told him not to meet Y before thatS realizes that and wonders why he didnt confirm thatS:then I can meet Y tm.
Y gets and invitation out of nowhere. she cant sleep cuz she keeps looking at the time.she washes her hair and looks for her blowdryer. she puts on the facial stuff J bought her. she is dressed up and goes to meet S
S is sitting on a bench. he gets up and she can see him. she walks slowly over to him but he walks faster. S: SYK it’s been a long time. you havent changed at all.
she says his name and cries and touches his face. Y: you came. she finally hugs him and criesY: how could this happen? why are you coming now? why did you come now?S:cuz it was time to come - I could only come nowhe says: let’s go – we have to go somewhere firstshe asks wherehe says : for today just do what I tell you
he takes her on his bikethey go to his site where he died
S: at that time, I (something )while doing music – I felt like it was a new worldi didnt like how I lived up till then -it was stuffyY: it must have been hard for you being my guardian toosince you were youngS: you were young toothe pain between us was too much i thought it couldnt be settled with talking/conversingso after (…)I told you I would clearly show you what I felt in my heartwhile doing music I did play with girlssince you were like my hometownso I bought a ring to propose with
he looks for it and finds it in the dirt.he asks for her hand and puts the ring on her finger.then he puts on hishe says the “next thing is”
and takes her to an amusementY:why here?S: we couldnt come to the amusement park even oncecuz we didnt have any moneyY: so you want to go here now?S: he promised to go with you on your bday-song yi soo didhe takes her hand and goes inthey ride on stuffthey are smiling and laughingthey even go shopping for bunny ear headbands and take picsY asks where else they are goingS says she is the same as a long time ago – asking what’s next-my SYKS: I told you not to ask, not to get angry and just follow along
S takes her home and tells her to go grocery shoppingcuz he wants to eat food she madeY: you want me to go grocery shopping alone?S: this time I wont go without saying anythingshe asks what he is going to do alonehe says he has something else to do -i’ll be done before you get home
he is remodeling her homeNoh comes and asks if the person who lived here movedS says: no - it is getting remodeledNoh asks:what about YK- the home ownerS: she went to go do somethingNoh asks if they beforeS: I’m working so stop asking me questionsdont come today or tm at allcome back after a few daysNoh asks S to tell Y that Noh came byS: if you hurry and go I will tell herif you keep hanging around then I dont want toafter he leaves S accuses Noh of being interested in Y (cuz Y is pretty)and says even tho Noh is a doctor Noh cant get her cuz she is his
Y shops and comes home calling out for himY’s home is changed-furniture -bed- total new room
she cant see him so she gets scared and he comes out and says “I am here”(his hair is straight)he says how much dust there was from redoing the wall papershe asks if he did all thishe says he used his wall papering part time job skillsY: that’s not itwhy did you make the room like thiswhen I am going with youS: even if we stay one day, I wanted to stay in a clean placehe sort of lectures her asking how she could leave the room like thatwhen she used to be a clean freakhe tells her to decorate the rest of the room according to her taste
they are lying in bed together and Y falls asleep in his armsS doesnt sleep and keeps touching her faceshe wakes upS:are you awake? then let’s go for a walk
they are walking along hand in handY is staring at himhe asks whyshe says cuz it’s so unusalyesterday I thought it was a dreambut even at night you were by my side until morningit’s this sunny outsidebut I can see you and touch you
S: even though (you can) I am still a dead personfor the sake of meeting you, I waited 5 yrsfor youwhile giving you this ringi loved youi never liked anyone else even for a momentlet’s get marriedI wanted to say all that but – now it’s notnow what I wanted to say changedhe lets go of her handuntil that time I loved youshe holds his hand againfrom now on i dont love youi dont want to go leaving you just paini want you to forget meand he happyso I waited 5 yrs
Y: no dont do that – I want to go with youS: we cant go togethereven if decide to die cuz you want to go with meat that moment we will never be togetherdead is like thatY: it’s too hard being here alonei cant endureS: for my sake you have to endurei have to let you go so I can be happy in my next lifeif you are miserable then my heart will feel uneasy also and I wont be comfortablecuz I was born with a bad temper and was too selfishi will live an unfortunate lifei couldnt receive love I couldnt love
he tells her to throw away the ring nowshe says she doesnt want toS: throw it away – now it doesnt mean anythingi kept it to clear up your misunderstandinghe takes his offshe tells him not tohe throws his in the waterS: you knew how precious you were to meyou were not thrown away/abandonedyou were the most precious person (in the world) to meyou were someone impressiveso you will end up being the most precious to someone elsepromise me that you will be happy for my sakeso that I can leave this world without (?)and start over in my next lifeY- for my sake be happyhe takes her ring off and throws it toothat I was able to meet someone like youi was gratefuland was happyY: I’m just sorry (to you)cuz I left everything up to youI never paid you backS: pay it back to the person you lovein my placegive it to that personshe cries
and he kisses herhe steps back
and turns and criesand walks away from hershe keeps cryingwatching him gountil he disappears
M goes to see his momhe says in his headmom I wanted to succeed and come take you away-i’m sorrysome men come to take him away/arrest himhe begs to let him see his momhe goes in and asks if she hid the paperwork that IJ gave her really wellthe mom asks who he is he tells her that until he comes back for it she cant give it to anyone elselook at me- you cant give it to any other face than mineshe recognizes himshe calls him by nameand asks if he got his MBAwhy did you come without letting me knoweven if I am sickI was going to meet you at the airportshe asks if he got the money she sent himit wasnt enough to live on was it?M: no it wasshe says he is lying like he always did cuz he was afraid it would be hard on herher memory is sporadicif you got your MBA then do you have a doctorate now?so M criesshe says she knew he would become this successful personMom: I knew you would be different from your dadi’m grateful to my sonshe thanks him and hugs himhe cries more
M gets taken away in handcuffs. he looks up at his mom and hides his cuffs M’s secretary tells IJ that M was arrested at his mom’s hospital M is being interrogated. the guy asks about IJ’s involvement and M denies it and takes all the blame
Y is in her bedthinking of what yi soo said(endure for my sake-I have to let you go to be happy in my next life-for my sake-he happy)she says she misses himand what J said (when it’s hard-think of days when you had regrets just like this and find the strength to live)
Y goes to see Jshe is outside J’s hospital room doorshe remembers how H said J wont be able to remember Y
J comes out and calls out “Y onyi”J asks if she came to see herY asks if J remembers her
J hugs herYsmiles and pats her back
they sit outside- Y on a bench and J in her wheelchairY asks J : you remember me but you dont remember H? you remember him too?why are you pretending not to – when you do?J: the reason why iscuz I am going to die soon endoooooommmmmmmmggggggggggggggggpreviewY is in J’s room looking around H asks what J is doing at HeavenJ asks H to let her borrow him for a day as her boyfriend M gets out again cuz IJ goes to see MIJ asks M to stop nowbut M says he wont quit and will keep going J sees S and asks if he is the schedulerS is wearing a doctor’s coat he asks if she forgot him alreadyshe asks why she remembers her 49 days—-my head is literally spinning from all the crying and lack of sleepwhy is she going to die again? what the crap is that?omg is my wish actually going to come true?is S and J going to end up togetherand then Y and H??????????????????????I never meant for this to happen thoI only wished it would happenI never once imagined that it could thoomgthis is amazing
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