49 Days E16
There was a declaration of love I missed during the live recap. It was when Y/J told S that she loves H. That got me thinking. Since this drama has a surprising lack of kiss scenes (forehead kisses don’t count), if S won’t even let Y/J hit Y’s head, will he allow Y/J to kiss H? Will there be another penalty for that I wonder. I can’t help it, but I rather see a kiss scene between S and Y or Y/J and H. It seems weird for J and H to have one when they barely had any scenes together except for flashbacks. Everyone else is keeping track of tears and where the next two will come from, but all I care about is -when is there going to be a kiss scene? –Never dreamed it was possible, but I like 3 very different dramas right now. I love 49 days cuz I am eager to see what unfolds every episode. With CYHMH, I find peace and comfort from it -never fails to move me. BL gives me humor mixed with a dash of heart and it has enraptured me just from the first two episodes.*Update on new May drama lineup for RB- who knows it may change again next week…—Just to give you a heads up, but I am dropping Ripley from my list. By the time it starts, I will already be set to continue Lie to me unless it turns out to be another MFL which is highly unlikely. So Mon/Tues will be Lie to me then Best Love on Wed/Thurs after 49 days ends, then if City Hunter is any good, maybe I will combine both episodes and post on Fri. At this point, LMH has to look REALLY good and act well for me to keep this one cuz I’m not sure I will have the energy to do 4 dramas.Then CYHMH on the weekends.—First we heard why M wanted to take over J’s dad’s company and now we know IJ’s reasons and I have to say I don’t buy either story as a plausible excuse. I think J should come back to life and go get P and finish what P started and beat the crap out of IJ till she gets just how wrong she is-that would be sooooo satisfying. I really hope she isn’t one of the tears cuz it won’t make me as emotional as when it came from H. ———49 Days E16—-
After S says: SYK it’s not- why dont you believe what I am saying, he pulls her face closer and asks “why did you end up like this? why is your face like this (meaning she used to look healthier and happier).
Y/J pulls away saying she is J and not SYK. he leans back so she says: you know- I am J. do you remember Y now. he asks what the pics of him and the girl areY/J: you dont know these pics- they were in storage with Y’s stuffdidnt you break up over these?S says it was the first time he saw those pics. he remembers Y’s words “just cuz you say it isnt what it looks like doesnt make it so”
he realizes the pics are the reason why Y acted (misunderstood him) that way to him and cries more calling out Y’s name.
Y: i said I understood you needing to do musicyi soo: you didnt understand – it’s cuz you couldnt do anything about it when I moved outY: cuz you promised to go to college together and work some place together-everything together….that we would do work where we could stay togetheruntil we make that yeewhur (pension) that was our dreamYS: you are still talking about that?just to make you feel at ease I have to stop what I want to do-is that love?Y: then what about you? do you really want to do music?not cuz you want to play with other girls.YS: i knew you were going to bring that uphow many times do i have to tell you that the girls who come and go here are nothing (to me)Y: you are saying it doesnt mean anything?she is clenching the pic of him with that girlYS: the girls who hang around us (the members) are noonas, juniors, and friendshow many times do I have to tell youY:just cuz you say it isnt what it looks like doesnt make it so YS: what does that mean? dont talk in circles and just say it (get to the point)Y: i want to hear it from your lips- what you honestly feel- who I am to you nowYS:let’s please stop doing this – I’m sick of itI’m sick and tired of a girl like youwhen I think of marrying you- i cant breathelike i did for the past 18 yrs-looking at only you for 30 or 40 yrs-i cant stand the thoughtY: yi sooYS: why dont you change?how can you be the same as when you were 5, 10, 19, and 23.hurt by his words, she runs out. —–
as she walks out of the place she works,yi soo was outside and his band member tells him that Y came outYS remarks: just look at how she looks (meaning she doesnt look well and looks miserable)his band member tells him to go make up with her since YS wont be able to see her for two weeks while they are awayYS: it isnt a situation that can easily be settledlet’s leave.
before he rides off he says over his shoulder-try spending the next 2 wks without me. (she never heard that)his voice narrates: for two weeks- at night I performed and during the day I worked at a nearby construction site.he worked too hard and got nosebleeds. he gets a ring engraved with the intials S love K.while on the bike, he was looking at the ring and almost dropped it. after he caught it, he didnt see the truck that hit him till the last minute and he swerved to miss but it was too late. his last thoughts were of Y and the ring lay a few inches away from him.
—-end flashback
S and Y/J are both crying. she says he shouldnt have taken pics like that.S: even when I played I didnt behave so freely like thishe says the girl must have taken the pic when he was asleep without him knowingS tells J: hurry and go back and give Y her body back. I have to tell Ythen he realizes something and saysthis isnt right -it’s weird-this doesnt happenY/J:what’s wrongS: why did i get my memory back (cuz he isnt supposed to)this doesnt happen.
he calls and yells at the sunbaeS: sunbae- can you really do this?how can you let this kid live like this for 5 yrs-for 5 yrs!lous bell sound and he grimaces from painY/J asks what is wrong with himhe says it is his page. he tells her to go and take care of Y’s body. he disappears —-
Y/J goes home and wonders: is there a truth where you do not misunderstand and are not misunderstoodand thinks over what IJ said. is sincerity something i should consider first from my position or the other person’s. for me it was love, but IJ says it wasnt. yi soo said it was love, but Y believed he was changed. how do you figure out love you cant see?—–
IJ goes to see some weird woman who seems like a fortuneteller. she says the ghost will stay with IJthe woman. IJ: does that mean (she) wont go back to her body cuz she has something against me?the woman says the spirit would have shown signs of its existence here and there. IJ remembers the incident with the seal and pic frame.IJ wonders if J really did that. woman asks IJ: what did you do that was so wrong. IJ asks what to do. the woman says get J out of Y’s body. IJ asks how.she finds the envelope J had mailed her dad the newspaper clipping in and asks for the address(this is how she discovers where Y works) * blue says this woman is a mudang (a Korean shaman/fortuneteller). —
chef’s wife is leaving cuz her husband wont tell her why. he asks why she doesnt trust his love for her. he cries and begs her not to go cuz even if she leaves, he cant tell her. does she know how he feels not being able to tell her. suddenly chef cries and they make up cuz she never saw him cry before. H asks what is wrong with them and she says the chef must really love her to cry like this. H watches them and gets an idea.—-
H remembers the pendant was tear shaped so he thinks that is how to prove sincerity: tears.H goes out and chef’s wife runs over to H and they say the same thing- that it’s tears. she realized after seeing her husband’s tears. H hugs her calling her the best. she comments: so this is what it feels like to hug a tall man with broad shoulders. waitress comes over and says tears seem correct cuz when her 3rd bf (who she loved the most) died in an accident, she cried endless tears. H gives her vacation a day this month as reward. —
Y/J shows up with the box so H walks over and notices the drop in the pendant and asks what she is holding. she asks to leave the box here. H tells her to follow him—
H stares at the pendant. he sees the tear inside and thinks : what is that? it wasnt there beforeshe asks where he keeps staring at her. H compliments the necklace saying it is pretty and asks where she bought it. Y/J: i didnt buy it – I just got it from somewhere. he says there wasnt a drop in there before and that it was empty. it looks like a tear.he asks when she switched out/changed the necklace. she asks why he keeps asking. H: cant i even ask when you switched the necklace? cuz it is different from the empty one before.this is something anyone can ask. when did you switch it? she says on the day she quit. he recalls that day and thinks maybe that is his tear. he tells her he was so upset when Y quit and he went to his friend J’s hospital room and cried. Y/J: you cried? she thinks to herself-H it was you. he thinks: it was tears.
she cries and he asks why she is crying and she says cuz she is grateful.he tells her to stop crying and sends her out to work cuz the chef isnt in and it’s too busy. —-
P comes in and Y and P exchange greetings. Y says she was on her way out anyway when P says she came to speak to HP asks if H knows about M and IJ and what is going on between them. Y/J hears that on her way out—–
Y/J goes outside and looks at the tear and says: it was H —–M meets with the guy about business and wants to hurry things along —- waiter spies on M and the guy he met and reports to H —–
H is meeting with the chef. they discuss telling J’s dad since he woke up, but they decide against it cuz he is still recovering. H figures out since M’s deal involves a company in america, he is going to ask hin dad to look into it. chef seems surprised to hear H wants to contact his dad and H says this isnt a time for his pride. chef asks what he needs to do. are you going to look into what M is doing and find tears too on your own. H: you and your wife found out the most imp thing for me- how to find a way for J to live. chef praises his wife for her great effort and offers to find out with his wife how to receive sincere tears. H: do you think you can do that without saying anything to your wife about J? chef tells H not to worry cuz now she trusts him. : you met a good woman. chef: you met a good woman too. chef wonders why M did that to someone as nice as J. H says he understands when he consider’s M’s poor background and how hard it must have been for him. while I was listening, my heart was aching. chef points out but this isnt right (of M to do this) cuz the chef and his wife had their struggles too. H says M didnt go this when he lived in the states. he worked hard thinking of his mom who sent him to get his MBA-that is why H liked M so much. chef asks where M’s mom is now.H says he doesnt know cuz he only heard she wasnt well but M wont say when H asked. H gets up to take Y/J home. chef asks about Y- is she ok. H says when he saw her outside she seemed ok. chef worries that Y might suspect. H says but he cant tell Y what is going on first. chef tells H to prepare to tell Y the truth when the time comes. —-
when H comes out, Y/J gets a call from a drunk M. M: where are you right now? you’re at H’s place arent you? she asks what is going on. M orders her to come down right now. H asks where she is going and she says to meet M for a second cuz he is at the parking lot.
H holds into her arm: stop now- i dont know why you are doing that-what can you do? what can you do from meeting M? when you are SYK.
Y/J: because I am SYK- i think i can do somethingH: even tho- stop . I cant stand to watch it anymore. just trust me. I am not just sitting back and relaxing. she says she will send M away and come back.
Y/J: what is going on? M asks why she didnt quit H’s place. I told you to quitY/J: didnt i tell you I wasnt thinking of quittingM: why wont you quit?Y/J: cuz I have someone I like here.M:what?
she tells him not to contact her anymore. cuz I do not want to meet you againM: you like H?she tells him to go but he grabs her armH watches from aboveM: what was I to you? didnt you like me? you said you liked meY/J: no i didnt – not even for a momentthere might have been a second when I was mistaken and thought I liked youlike you are mistaken now M keeps pulling her arm and not wanting to let go and asks: why did you appear?
so H goes down and saves her and tells M to stop it.H: dont even think about meeting this girl againalso dont ever come back here againH holds her hand and leads her to his car
M asks H- was it J?you said in the states that if you go back to korea there was a girl you wanted to find -was that J?H said there was a time he would have talked to M about that (meaning but not anymore) —
in the car she looks over at HY/J: are you angry?H: a person should understand what was toldY/J says she was really trying to send him away and come backthat she went to tell him she wouldnt meet himH: really?Y/J: a person should understand what was toldI told him not to call me anymore H praises her and says she did well and she should have done that sooner.from now on dont go around alone at nightI will drive you homeY/J: it’s ok (you dont have to)
H warns she isnt listening againY/J: ok then do thatto be honest if you take me home it’s good for mesince there arent many days left and I am busy during the day.
she thinks to herself: why do I know about you now?——
Y wakes up andJ says : S got his memory back. he remembered youshe hesitates and wonders if she should tell Y.J: is it ok if I say thisi heard from yi soo why you are living like thisY looks at her so J wonders if Y can hear her.
J: i cant tell you details now but you are someone who was truly loved by yi sooto him you were a very precious personY thinks: how does she know about yi soo.—
when Y leaves home, S follows her all the way to the cafe.(and lights the path she walks on)S remembers how she said she cant trust anymore after Yi soo abandoned her. cuz no one wanted her
staring at her, S says “i’m sorry”. suddenly she is in pain so S tries to go to her but there is a invisible boundary he cant cross.
H shows up and asks if Y is hurt. she says she is ok.
he orders coffee from her like he doesnt know her while IJ watches all that. H thanks Y for the drink and turns and thinks : she doesnt remember me at all.Y looks over at IJ —–
J is in the dark and S shows up there.J: what happened? what did sunbae say? what was the unfinished business you dadS: to meet Y as myself (to meet Y as yi soo)J: so it was that – now all you have to do is meet onyi?S: no I cant even act like I know heruntil the designated time when (my duties) are donei’m not allowed to let Y know that it’s meand I am not allowed to interfere in her businessJ: if they were going to do that – why did they let your memory return?S: they said it was cuz of youcuz I kept meeing you when you looked like Y so that is why it happened they saidJ: i’m sorry – i am a problem againS: i had something I really wanted to say when I met herso for the rest of the time you have leftbe careful with your body, what you do, and dont cause troubleif you do anything to hurt my Y -you’ll die(he said this as a threat but J took it as her usual warning from day one) J promises : I wont. I am always trying not to (cause trouble)he disappears and the lights go out again
J says in the dark: that onyi needs to clear up her misunderstanding even a day earlier —-
IJ goes to M’s house.she brought him food thinking he might have drank. he has been drinking so she sprays the air explaing his home doesnt smell like who he usually is. she tells him to shower and come out while she heats up the food. he asks why she is doing this. she says cuz he doesnt have anyone to work for him.IJ: even tho you are bothered her- knowing she is J but she doesnt feel like J- I wont leave you. even if she wasnt J and Y, you wouldnt have gone to her cuz of me. but dont think she isnt J cuz I looked further into it. J came to us as Y and knew everything and was around us – that is what is imp. she also tells him that H knows about J being in Y’s body ——-
P kicks out IJP says she doesnt want to live with IJP tells her to go live with M. P accuses IJ of wanting to come out of J’s home and convinced P to come up to seoul to liveIJ says she will explain why she did itP says she knew IJ and M met from 5 yrs agohow could you do that?after J’s accident when I saw you cry, I thought something was wrong with mei was sad and hurt, but I didnt act like the world was falling around youI was afraid to cry thinking there is no way J would leave usbut watching you cry so much I thought IJ was J’s true friend-I’m a fakebut it was all a show.IJ says it wasnt like thatP says dont act like you feel bad cuz it’s funnycan I person who has a conscience decieve a friend for 10 yrs IJ says she knows P is mad but there is only the two of them now.she begs P to listent to her even tho P is madP says even tho it was hard for IJ to live with J’s family, it wasnt easy for J’s family to take care of IJIJ owns up and says she was jealous of J. even in death, J gets everythingP: what does that mean?IJ tells P that H likes J. he came all the way from america cuz he likes J. he is taking care of Y now cuz she is friends with J.that in place of J, H is watching over Y. do you still like J now? P tells IJ to stop lying. —-
Y/J thinks about what the other 49 er said about all the things he wanted to do but didnt get to. she realizes that P hasnt cried yet if this tear belongs to H.—–Y/J goes to see P and asks if she had been wellP: heard you were friends with Jwhy didnt you say anything and hide it from me so that it feels badP walks away from Y/J Y/J wonders who told P and guesses IJ told P.she doesnt even trust her, so why did she tell? ————–
doc says J’s dad can get out of the hospital after a week. J’s mom says to her husband “it’s good to see you again” H says the same thing and thanks her dadthe dad says he saw J and the mom says J came to save her dad–
mom goes to tell J how well her dad is doing. H comments that J’s skin looks better from all the sleep she got. he explains when he sees J, he automatically goes into tease mode. the mom says J’s dad does that too.H asks her mom how to make seaweed soup. she asks why and he lies he wants to suddenly eat it but he never made it before. she says she made it cuz it is J’s bday so he borrows two servings.——
Y/J sticks her head in just for news from the hospital but he says he will tell her when she comes in or wont if she doesnt.
Y/J comes in and H lies he made too much seaweed soup so she should start with clearing the plates. she asks why he made seaweed soup suddenly and he lies cuz today is children’s day. in america they make seaweed soup on children’s day.you never lived there so you didnt know that. she says: isnt it cuz it is J’s bday that you made it and not cuz it is children’s day. she tastes it and says it tastes just like the one J’s mom makes. he thinks to himself -happy bday J. in her mind she thanks him.Y/J: if J knew she would be really grateful
H suggests they speak down to each other in informal language since she is only a year olderit’s not enough of a gap to call her noona so he wants to do it american style and talk freely without formalitiesshe agrees and says she will overlook it since it is just a year gap. she asks how J’s dad is.he tells her how well J’s dad is doing. she wants to go see him later but H says he cant take her then cuz he has to sleep at night.she says later when J wakes up, she is going to tell J to be really good to H.i hope J wakes up ——
M meets the landlay. she complains how can she just kick out a room when someone is living in it. M says he really needs this room and points out the renter is living without a leaseshe says that is true but…M offers to pay for the whole place or put down any down payment she wants. to buy out the place whatever she wants and for lease- 3 times what it is nowM add if she kicks out the renter right away he will give her an extra fee for doing that—-
M calls Y/J. she tells him she told him to stop calling her .M: you dont want to come meet me? then should I go into your home?Y/J: what do you mean my homeM: i am in front of your home now at malidong—–
H meets with Pshe asks why he came suddenlyhe says he came cuz of J’s bday. she asks how he knows J’s bdayhe says M brought his gf to have a party to my place and that is how I met all of you again.P: you remembered that date?he says cuz it isnt that far apart from his mom’s memorialP: why did you come look for me on J’s bday?H: since she is like that – I thought we should do something to commemorate her bday after hearing about Ij and M – you will be the one who is hurt the mostP: since when did take care of J so much?——
Y/J runs and meets M.M: you came quicklyY/J: how did you know about this place?M: did you think I wouldnt find out where the woman I like lives-what a disappointmentY/J: did you stalk me? (had me followed)he tells her to get in so he can take her to eat.Y/J: i said I wouldnt meet you anymoreM threatens he will do what she diddont you remember when you used returning the key as an excuse and went inside my homesince I dont have your house keyyou think i cant go in?she says let’s go eat and talk—-
she goes with him to that same place. they are served and he tells her to eat. she worries he might show up at her home every day. he asks why she isnt eating and why she has that look on her face. she says she didnt know they would come here againM: you know this place has meaning for mei dont bring just anyone here-just two -you and IJfrom the women i brought herebut originally didnt you not like this dish J
she coughsM:now you eat it so wellY/J: what are you sayinghe congratulates her for coming back. but what happened to you? why are you going around looking like this? you should hurry and find a way to come back in your body.she calls him Mbut he corrects her and says you should call me oppa JY/J: why are you doing this I am YM: you are J who is borrowing Y’s shellshe holds her pendantM: did you meet (date) me as J or Y?Y/J: since I am Y- I met you as Yshe stands to leavehe pulls her back downM: there is a reason why you have to live as Y isnt there?she keeps saying she is Y.M then you should have just sat there and pretended acting like Ycuz running away like that makes it more noticeable that you are J.she says she just wanted to leave cuz she cant stand sitting there looking at himM: of course you do cuz now you know what kind of guy I amshe says she isnt so why is he saying strange thingsM: you have a reason why you cant tell anyone you are J dont youhe demands to know what he wants from her.—
she runs out and wants to call H but S’s words come back to herthat she cant conspire/confide with Huntil her 49 days are over she cant let anyone know who she isshe calls S –
S sits on a bench and doesnt even look at herY/J: M found out that I am JS says it is the same as what happened with H-act like you arenty/J: H and M are different – different ppl and circumstances
S yells at her for getting found outi told you not to pay attention to stuff that happened after you diedY/J: i am scared to death so why are you getting mad at me tooS: why? cuz I am somone who doesnt want to see you if he can help itnow in my eyes I see you as Ybut you arent Ywhen you look at me like thatwhat am I supposed to do?what do you want me to do?Y/J: why are you getting mad at me?I feel indignant too- did I want to borrow this onyi’s body?it wasnt my time to die but because of that person who wanted to commit suicide I ended up like thisS starts to realizeY/J: every day that dwindles I am so nervouswho is it?S: who?Y/J: the person who tried to kill herself that made me like thisS says very technically that as the driver, J had her share of blame for not looking at the road ahead of herY/J: if the accident didnt occur in front, the motocycle wouldnt have skiddedif it wasnt for the bike, I wouldnt have ended up dyingwho is it?S: what are you going to do if you knowY/J: after making someone else’s life end up like this- what punishment did that person get.S says that person was probably punished.Y/J: probably?S:(that person) must haveY/J: you are strangewhy say it like thatshe remembers how the other 49er was bruised cuz he beat up the guy who made him that way
Y/J guesses that Y was the cause of her accident. (was it this onyi? and points to her face)S tries to calm her but she keeps goingY/J: it was this onyi? you made me live in the body of the woman who killed me.
she screams and pulls on Y’s hairhe stops her from hurting herself cuz it is Y’s body (someone he cares about).S: dont do that- dont hit Yis this your head? it’s my gf’s headI’m sorry – you know how I feel right nowY/J : do you know how I feel right now?IJ says it is my fault she bretrayed meI’m scared cuz M found out about me
I only have 11 days left and I dont know if I will live or die- every day I feel like I am going crazyshe complains that the only friend she could freely talk to about this was S but now S doesnt want to see her anymore cuz she looks like the person he lovesbut this onyi is the woman who caused my deathi didnt even know that I got close to her
S: it’s cuz you dont how it feels to put the person you love like crazy in front of you and you cant talk to herY/J: why dont i know that? you think you are the only one who loves?I love someone tooI cant tell H anythingcause my feelings are J’scuz if I let it be known how J feelsI might dieshe cries
S: ya- are you crying?he hugs her and tells her not to crybut she pulls away reminding him she is Jfrom now onunless I call youdont come to this onyi’s roomno matter what I do to Yyou better not comeafter she leaves
S says: I want to go but I wontwhy did she have to borrow Y’s body of all ppl —————-
J looks at Y and sayswhy did it have to be you of all ppl-why youthat wasnt your first suicide attempti thought how lonely and difficult it must have been for youto want to die like that (her attempt to hang herself)
if you do what do I do?I was so scared and felt bad for youto the persone who made me this way I pleadedto please live- I begged?she gets up and yells and Y looks at her
to the person who made me dieJ: cuz of you I got into an accidentcuz of you -you made me this way
in anger, J knocks the chopsticks out of her hand and scares Y.J: i wanted to live like this-do you know how scared I was every day
Y sees J and gets upJ: why did you do that? what is yi soo? (meaning why does me mean so much to want to die)
Y asks J: why are you like this?
the land lady comes and says she rented out the roomthey dont have a lease and forgot all about the depositY asks how she can do this suddenlybut the lady wants Y to move out within a week J apologizes to Y: onyi – what do we do- I’m sorry Y runs out —–
M is at Y’s work and he asks if Y remembers him. he got permission from her boss to talk so he asks that they talk for a short time. he apologizes for startling her the other day. he introduces himself. she asks what he wants. he says he knows she used to work at a hotel. he has a job for her at a pension in pusan.I made a position for you so you should go thereY:why should I?M:otherwise it will get dangerous for youY: i’m someone who has nothing to fearM: i;m someone who has a lot of fearsif you keep lending out your bodyi will become uncomfortable and dangerousthen cuz I will be scaredI will have no choice to put you in danger
he gives the pension address and contact person.she says whether she goes or not she will decide.he tells her to hurry and decidecuz if she doesnt decide to gohe has to prepare to do something about that(to prevent her from doing things that will harm his plans) —
J wonders why Y isnt coming. she knows I got mad at her. she spoke to me. is she scared of me and not coming? —
Noh hears out what Y told him about M’s offer.Noh: if those are the stipulations then of course going is goodY: it’s not “of course”like you said, if you dont need any more therapy then that is another reason why you should leave.Y: what does that mean?Noh: at first I didnt believebut other ppl are seeking you outno matter how much you feel that other spiritthe two of you cant live together forever in one bodywhat if that other spirit wants to live in you foreverwhat are you going to do—
. she thinks about all the ppl who came to find her lately. she goes home and opens the door. she tells J to leave. J says she is sorry but Y tells J: I am asking you as a favor. J walks out. Y closes the door. —J is outside Y’s home and she is weak. —-
Y packs her stuff. the landlady comes and asks about the stuff here. Y tells her to get rid of it on her own.—
J tells S that Y is leaving – what should she do.S:it cant be helpedI cant help you. if something goes even a little wrong hereI wont be able to meet Y and clear up her misunderstandingI wont be able to show up in from of her just once and have to take the elevator straight awayJ: dont do that and help meS: I cant make a mistake here and risk what I did for 5 yrs
Y runs off and J calls out – onyi -where are you going. Y gets in a cab. H pulls up and sees the cab leaving and wonders where she is going.H asks the landlay where Y left. she said she left and doesnt know where she went to.
H calls out J and runs out and keeps calling out her name. J is running but really weak. Y goes to the station. H is running around and yelling – where are you?
J collapses by the bus stop and falls to the ground.
Y gets on the train. the train pulls out of the stationendno preview
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