49 Days E7
49 Days has a way of making you redefine how you watch dramas – slow scenes are still exciting – then before you can blink something surprising happens and keeps you on your toes-seriously week after week – this drama is daebak. —49 Days E7—–Starts from where M offers to pay Y/J to work for him and she accepts it. she asks for payment in advance and he asks if that means she will work for him and she steps up and agrees to do it.Y/J: i can work from 11am-how many hours do you need me?he asks why she agreed to work for him since she doesnt like him – without a reasonshe retorts saying: you must not have suffered without money. ppl who need money look at the money and work - not look at the person and work. did you ask thinking i would turn you down?he writes down his address and tells her to meet him tm at 11 am. she asks if he doesnt go to work at that time and he says since it is her first day, he cant leave a stranger his house keybefore he can say anything else- she walks off and he calls after her so she calls out his address (he wrote it down for her but she didnt look at it and crumpled it up and threw it behind her).as she walks away she says to herself – dont worry – i will make sure to goshe flashes back to his conversation with someone when she was in the car with himand thinks – something is up for sureshe remings herself that it doesnt matter if she is his maid cuz the money and stuff is good as he drives off – he says let’s see how much longer you stare at me like that. she remembers how sensitive he was about how she stared at him and she thinkshe was the kind of person who cant put up with being looked down–chef brings H coffee and says it really looks like Y wont be coming back-she really leftH admits he sent her awaychef asks H if H wont regret that.H asks why he should regret and asks why he is asking like that-what’s his reason?chef confirms – that means you are not affected at all right?H says of coursechef says that’s good thenH asks what he means by thatchef reminds H of that man who saw this building and asked H to design for himthat guy had asked if H is busy these days so the chef told him H wasnt busyH: why am i not busy?chef reminds H that he declined to work on the haemido resortafter kicking away that big project-are you going to live selling wine and pasta?is that why you took over your mom’s business?H backs down and says – did anyone say I wouldchef: so why are you getting madyou are an architect so you should live like onehe is going to call you in a secondH’s phone rings—Y/J wonders if she is late to meet her friend-did she already leave? only 15mins has passedY/J calls that friend the friend says sorry but her professor made her do some work so she cant meet Y/JY/J offers to go to her school but the girl says she cant today cuz she is busyY/J says it will only take a few mins and it is for the sake of her friendthe girl says -that is not urgent -when i have time – i will go to see J and then hangs up Y/J says aloud – it’s not urgent? it is urgent. you are going to come see me when you have time?then when? after i die? at the wake?she yelled that last part really loudly so other ppl in cafe look up at hershe almost faints from hunger-why does my stomach hurt and is hungry at the same timeshe eats a bowl of porridge and mutters the portion is too little and looks over the menu and thinks when she worked for H, she didnt have to spend money on food. she takes Y’s medicine for her and worries what to do if Y eats noodles again cuz the doc said not to eat noodles so she orders another porridge with lots of pork in itshe tells herself to eat and gain strengthshe crosses out the name of the girl who just stood her up——she goes home and says Y needs to rest so that J can go to work tmshe thinks Y will be tired and lays down—-H meets with that guy and looks over someone’s designs and the guy says those designs are not good. H doesnt like the location cuz it doesnt match the business and the guy says land here in this neighborhood is a lot cheaper so he just went ahead and bought itthe guy shares his plans to build this and that -up to the 5 th floor and H argues that if the guy builds a five story complex -the homes behind it will have their sun blocked the guy mutters that those homes will be torn down in a few years anyway and offers to give them a few hundred dollars H tells him to just follow the designs but the guy wants H to use his talents as an architect -the one he got the award for and offfers to pay H double-cuz H is resisting the guy goes up to paying H triple but H tells him to do well in his business and not call H anymore-and not to think of building a 5 story complex here–* love love love H – an architect with ethics and a conscience—-there is a storm brewingY gets up so J asks why Y woke already when there is a lot of time left till 12J apologizes to Y saying she is sorry cuz Y was really sick – J says it is strange cuz she normally eats 2-3 bowls but she couldnt so she wonders if she had a stomachache. Y wonders how long she slept and looks at the time and suddenly runs out. H is in her neighborhood and sees Y running by. he takes a step to go see her but changes his mind.she goes to the store to use their phone and calls about her job – saying sorry for not going to work yesterday without any warning but she was sick and promises not to be late today (she gets fired )–J worries where Y went off to cuz J needs to go out and meet her dadY comes back and J tells Y not to eat noodles and promises to only eat porridge for Y’s sake until Y feels better and take her medicine. but Y lays down and J says – you are sleeping again? you must be having a hard time.—H tosses in bed remembering what Y/J said about not to worry about her even tho she doesnt take his money and stuff. he mutters (that he cant sleep cuz) she had said some needless things—-38 days 3 hrs and 29 mins leftJ is worried yells out “what do i do” and says to Y – just cuz you slept at night -what do i do if you dont sleep now - what do i do – i should get going to M’s house—S shows up and J learns that Y got fired from the convenience store cuz of JS yells that is what happenedshe wonders how Y could get fired for missing just a dayshe asks what to do now cuz she is already lateS: Y got fired cuz of youJ points out that S told her she could use Y’s body for 14hrs hrs each dayS:this is why i hate humansthey dont know their boundarieshe points out how Y has her own life and J is living off of Y’s body – so she has to follow Y’s body schedulethe priority is with Y’s life cuz she is lending her body -not with the 49 erJ says she knows thatthen she realizes the truthJ:if she doesnt sleep – then I cant move an inch?S: bingoJ:how can that happenS:who do you think you are yelling at?I told you not to harm this girlwho is the one who acted out of line and got her fired?is it me?J bows her head and says she was wrongS tells J she needs to wait till Y goes back to her senses and leaves. J keeps repeating -what do i do?so S pops back in and warnscuz Y isnt in her normal sleep pattern she could wake up any minute from her sleep so it would be best if J didnt go around anywhere far with Y’s body—M is waiting and remembers how she threw away the paper he wrote his address on and decides to go to work.—–M goes to work and IJ joins him in the elevator. he stands in front of her and she stands behind him. she asks if he is just now coming into work and says how she has been to the hospital. IJ asks him to eat lunch together after she drops off some paperwork and he reminds her this is the company. she looks up at the CCTV. she points out they are the only ones in the elevator and the CCTV doesnt have audio so do they need to worry about who is watching. he says that is what they always did. —flashback to IJ getting kidnapped and M going to her rescue. the kidnappers get beat up by M and drive off and he pulls IJ out of the car. she thinks he is one of them at first but he explains that he isnt and takes care of her in the parkshe asks if he lives in this area and he says he goes hiking here twice a week and gives her something warm to drink. she has a bloody lip from when the other guys beat her up so M gives her his hanky to wipe her facehe walks her home and she asks for his info cuz he helped her and she wants to pay him back -she gives him her name and he puts his number into her phone. she asks what name she should put with his number and he says his nameend flashbackshe is holding his handkerchiefhe comes out of the office and she calls him oppahe says he knew she would behave like this so that is why he acted that way earliershe made a mistake and spoke to him informally so she switches to formalhe tells her not to look at him with her upset eyes cuz it hurts himhe lists what he is doing today – finishing up the contractsand haemido will be done in 4 months or sohe asks if she knows what that meansshe cries and says she doeshe says let’s finish that up and meet comfortablyshe asks if he came to say thathe tells her to be patient with him until they go overcome the most important parthe holds her hand*based on what she said to her mom on the phone before she got grabbed – she tells her mom that she didnt use their money to get her education and to tell her bro to do what he wants – then she gets dragged into that car—-J’s dad is talking to his doc friend. the doc asks -are you really not going to have the surgery?her dad says :it’s not that i wont – i cant.doc: dont you know the more tired you get the more dangerous it is?her dad says that the doc cant say for sure that he will get better if he has the surgerydoc threatens to talk with J’s mom cuz J’s dad wont have surgery.J”s dad says -who are you to meet with my wife? dont say anythingshe is trying to endure what J is going thrudoc tells J’s dad that J doesnt have much of a chance to make it so J’s dad at least needs to live and watch over his wifeJ’s dad gets mad and says -who are you? some psychic? how can you tell me to give up on my daughter?doc yells back that he has the right to talk like this cuz he is J’s dad’s friendJ’s dad has another episode so the doc urges him to have surgery again—J’s dad goes to see his wifehe asks why she is still massaging J’s legsshe explains that since J has been lying down for a long time when she wakes it will be hard for her to move around so the mom is doing thisJ’s mom asks what the doc said but the dad tries to deflect the question and says his wife is overdoing it cuz she heard a compliment from her daughterthe mom asks again what the doc said and the dad lies that the doc was nagging for J’s dad to go to work and not stay at the hospital so muchthe mom asks about M – shouldnt they say something since J is like this and they dont know what will happen to her——M meets and does more paperwork for haemido land deal - wow the amounts on the contracts were like millions -5,000,000,000 and 8,000,000,000 won—M goes to see HH is lying down on his sofa listening to depressing musicM comes in and says H takes after his parents and asks why H is listening to that kind of musicH asks what M is doing here at this timeM:heard you fired YH; yesM:does that mean she wont come back here?H: told you I fired herdoes it bother you that I fired her?M says H did well to fire her cuz now M wont be misunderstood by HH starts to apologize for misunderstanding but M cuts him offM says he came to talk about work – he wants H to continue working on haemido project and tells him to join the meeting next week and leavesH tells him to sit but M turns to gochef asks if M is going alreadyM says he is busy and leaveschef says M’s mood doesnt seem good as time goes onH agrees and says in the states – he was able to endure cuz of Mand wonders if he was too sensitive to MM gets in his car and asks himself what he came here to confirm—–J stares at Yshe remembers what S said-warning her about how if J borrows Y’s body and Y wakes up outside-what does J think will happenJ: she just fell asleep so could she possibly wake up?so she takes over Y’s body and runs out but turns back remembering what S saidif you are not aware- do you think you would let someone use your body?Y/J goes back inshe looks in the mirror and says – sister -why are you living like this? arent you wasting this pretty faceshe remembers the doc saying that Y lived like this for 5 yrsshe wonders what happened to Yand goes thru Y’s box looking for an album or something and suddenlyY wakes up and J pops out as Y/J says -why am i like this?J is scared cuz Y is wearing her better clothesY looks around – at her clothes – the room and at the opened box and is shocked—-the doc comes to Y’s house with a roseY sits there and remembers all the weird things latelyhow her hair is clean – how the landlady claimed to have seen her – how she threw up- how she has a bruise on her kneeJ asks -what’s wrong “onyi” / sister?and Y wonders- what happened to meJ is worried Y is suspiciousJ keeps saying what should i do and picks up the phone to call SY looks thru her box and says she is sick of everything -she repeats it as J asks what she saidY takes out a rope and makes a nooseJ wonders what Y is doing – what is she thinking of doingY is going to hang herselfJ says – you cant! you cant dieshe calls S and says to hurry and come cuz Y is going to commit suicideshe begs him to stop YS: again? leave her alone – whether she commits suicide or not – it is her choiceno one has the right to interfereJ begs him to comehe cant go even if he wants cuz he has to escort someone about to die where he isafter he yells at J to hang up – he wonders why Y is acting like thatJ keeps begging Y not to – I was wrong – so pleasebut there is a knock at the door just as Y puts her head thru the nooseit is the doc guyhe calls her name and keeps knocking-it is you right? open the door –J says someone came – someone is here for youY ignores the knocking but he is getting more frantic and keeps trying to open ithe warns he is going to knock down the door is she doesnt open itfinally she gets down and goes to open the doorhe looks relieved to see herY asks why he is herehe says he couldnt check if she was ok cuz she doesnt come out to the convenience storehe said he came to return her dried rose saying it seemed imp to herY asks why he is doing this to herhe says he has to see that she is okthen asks if she is okhe says – thankfully she still seems okshe takes the rose he extended to herhe gives her his business card asking her to call anytime if she needs anything -whether to talk or whatevershe turns to go back in but he asks her to just take itcant she do that at least?—–she goes back in and looks at the dried rose and puts it downshe has his business card in her handshe stares at the nooseY sits downJ thanks her for not dyingshe doesnt know why Y wants to die so muchbut J envys heryou dont know how precious it is to have a body do you?that you can touch for realwhen you touch – how warm it ishave someone to listen to your voicethat there are ppl who listen to my voicebe able to look at each other and laugh togethershe begs Y to gain some energyso that J has a chance to come back to life -so that she can do something to try to come back to lifeJ was crying but now Y is too—37 days 3 hrs 29 mins leftY is still sitting there and J is too across from her but she stands to stretch—-H is at the hospital and puts a vase of flowers down and J’s mom is there toohe stares at J—-36 days 3 hrs and 29 mins leftY and J are still in the room together -side by side–Y is eating noodles again while J paces35 days 3 hrs and 29 mins left—M gave J’s dad some paperwork with red stamps all over it34 days 3 hrs and 29 mins leftS is there with JJ screams and asks S to do something with Y cuz J has been stuck in here for 4 daysI only have 34 days leftS says that he cant control or make a human being do somethingJ says S’s neighborhood is too cruelyou said I wasnt designated to dieevery day that passes seems to be shrinking her heartshe asks him to help her liveS tells her to wait and he will find out something and reaches for his phonehe calls someone older than him and says how Y hasnt moved for 4 dayshe whispers in this situation – can he can use #3–S stand outside and texts something and red skeleton spots pop up on a maphe chooses one and looks at some guy working at a cafeS goes there to meet the guy and S has the strangest hairstyle yet (OMG what is up with that hairdo? it is like they are testing how he can remain good looking no matter what - and he may have just lost)S orders large coffee – with lots of whipped cream and choco syrupafter paying for his coffeeS pretends to have fits and asks why this place is like this – making him feel uneasywith negative energyhe asks the guy if the guy runs this place alone – doesnt he use a part time worker at night?the guy thinks to himself -why is this punk speaking informally to meS replies like he read the guy’s thoughts and says -instead of saying “why is this punk speaking informally”-you should use a part time workerS counts off all the things that happened to the guy so farby pretending to have visions of what the guy encountered4 months ago another incident with a nail (not sure if he said nail-i guessed)a month ago an accident with the guy’s dog and next – it will be the guyand and it starts to scare the guy cuz he wonders how S knows all that S pretends to have snapped out of his psychic spell and the guy asks what will happen next to the guy but S just asks for his coffee and turns to leavebut S turns back and tells the guy to make sure to hire a woman -cant be over 30- cant be fat-cant hire a woman who smiles too much-as long as the guy does this he will have a long life—Y is out of noodles so she puts her shoes onshe gets a flier thru her door - think it was for that jobshe pulls it thru the slot and tosses it behind hereverywhere she walks that ad is there and disappears as she passes(only she can see this and is invisible to everyone else)Y goes to buy more ramenthe lady asks how Y survives eating just thatY finally sees the flier for that jobshe goes to the placeshe extends the flier but the guy cant see anything in her handshe asks if he is looking for a part timer here and he finishes her sentence saying he is looking for one and asks if she can work starting from today – right now-she can do that right?while S and J watch Y being trainedJ thanks S outside for getting Y that jobhe tells J her new hours that she can use Y’s body- from 1am at night to 8am next dayJ promises to be carefulS comments that while she was trapped for 4 days – she thought had time to think things overJ: cuz thinking was the only think i could dothen J asks for another favorS retorts: what else do you want me to do? women want more when a guy treats them wellJ asks him to find out about Y’s background cuz J wants to know why Y lives like thatS says a scheduler only works for ppl who left this neighborhoodJ: if she has family – i want to find them for herhe points out she will be busy enough with her jobbut she says she knows and will work harderJ: after being with her for a few days – Y seems lonelylooking at Y inside, he says to Y – why do you live so pathetically–Y/J runs out33 days-4 hrs and 59 mins leftshe goes to M’s home as he is about to leavehe opens the door and she saysgood thing you didnt leave for work yet- I’m a little late huh? he points out she is more than late – is she playing around after promising to comeshe explains that something came up so she couldnt move for a few days and there was no way to contact himM:so?Y/J: if you found another maid – then I will leavehe says cuz she got fired cuz of him – he lets her inhe points out where the bedroom is and the bathroomshe says it is cozy and she doesnt need to come everyday since it isnt that big and there wont be much to doM says that is up to him to decideY/J: cleaning -laundry – preparing dinner-that wont take all dayM: let’s talk about that after you give me your IDY/J: ID?M: either your ID or driver’s licenseshe says she doesnt carry that stuffhe says he cant trust his whole home to someone he only knows her namewhen he doesnt even know if that name is real or fakeshe asks if there is a lot to steal in his homehe says to someone who earns daily pay it is a lotshe asks if she should go back and bring her IDM asks for her cell phoneY/J: you want me to entrust you with my cell phone?he pulls it out of her hand and puts his number on it and makes it ring so he has her number on his phonethen he gives it backshe asks if she can talk about what she wants – didnt he ask her to think about itM says he is busy now so he wants to talk about it later when he gets homeshe asks when he will be homehe says he will try coming home around 11Y/J: you want me to wait till 11 at night?he says he might come home before thenshe blocks his pathY/J: cant i just close the door and leave?M: I have to see how you work today to decide if I should give you more work tmdid you forget you came here to work as a maid/housekeeper?she thinks to herself that he is trapping her here all dayand mutters how imp a day is to herM: if you cant wait -just gosaying how he doesnt want to be on time for some housekeepershe finally agrees to wait till he comeshe leavesshe goes thru his files and doesnt find anything suspiciousshe figures he wouldnt leave stuff like that at homeshe looks elsewhere—IJ asks why P is home and not workingP asks IJ to go with her to see JIJ says she has an apptP asks if IJ has a bfP notices how IJ sighs a lot and thought it was cuz of Jso she asks who the guy isIJ says she will tell her laterP says J might wake up if she knows IJ has a guyIJ tells her to stop talking about Jif J stays like that – is P going to keep going to see J twice a weekis she never going to get married and stuffP yells that J hasnt been that way that long so how could IJ talk like that—-Y/J goes thru M’s album and sees the dates on the pics of M and Ij and figures out M and IJ have been dating since 2006there are pics of M and IJ at the airport together in 2007it was before M left for studies overseasshe says they are something elseshe checks and M is still using her bday as his house codeand she leaves—H gets dragged outside by the chefH points out he isnt a kid but the chef orders him to stretchthe chef doesnt like how H is cooped up inside all the timeche’s wife and waiters were watching and runs off when H catches them lookingY/J goes up to H and asks H what he is doingshe greets the chef and says it feels like she came back to her hometownH asks why she came againshe said she came for the pay on her last dayhe asks if she worked that last dayY/J: oh yeah i didnt work that day – i am not here to cling to you and ask for workH:then what did you come to do?she steps up and leans in and sayslook here han kang shiwhat do I look like to you? a part time worker?H:han kang shi?Y/J says that since he isnt her boss she doesnt need to address him like thatshe says she is as a customer here to pay and eat pastachef says H needs to say “i’m sorry patron”Y/J says to the chef that it is ok cuz it is not like H didnt know his personality was rude—-H is listening in from the sideY/J eats her pasta and tells the chef’s wife that she got a new jobthe wife says to tell her if Y/J didnt get a new job cuz she will look into itY/J says again that she got a job for realshe looks over at H and says loudlyshe is getting paid more, has flexible hours,and has to take care of only one person so it is not tiring at allthe woman says it looks like it is hard for Y/JY/J says it really is not hard workthe wife says it looks like it’s hard for Y’s heart Y admits she liked working here better cuz it was comfortableH tells the chef not to accept her money and goeslater asY leavesH is sitting outsidethe wife asks if Y is coming back againand Y/J says of course -she might come once every 3 days to eat pastashe leans over and says she paid to H as she walks byand he yells back at someone that he told them not to take her moneyshe goes back and says to Ham i a beggar? why dont you take my money?H: how can i take your money?she mutters that it hasnt been long since he fired her and now he is being considerate of hershe also points out to him that she has no interest in M at allhe ignores that comment and asksH: are you well? is the place you work really ok?she softens and nods yesH: then that is thatshe says she will be leaving and bows to the chef’s wife and goeswaitress comes running out cuz she guessed where Y worksat a bar (drinking place) -gets paid a lot – has flexible hours-can go around during the daychef’s wife says that sounds right and gets worried about YH repeats “bar” and runs after Yhe looks everywhere calling out her nameY/J is hiding from Hshe says to herselfkang ah -even tho you are worrying over Y and not me -thank you anywayit’s a good thing i have someone like you next to mehe wonders aloud where she wentY/J: dont do that cuz it makes me want to go to youeven tho the person you are worrying about isnt meshe cries and runs offhe says she is crazy for working at a bar and keeps calling out her name—*just have to say – he must be blind as a bat cuz she is wearing a colorful sweater and hiding behind a sapling – literally twigs for branches- she aint that skinny—- M gets a call from IJshe reminds him he promised to eat with herhe remembers how Y/J said she would waithe makes up a lie about work to IJ saying meeting her today will be difficulthe promises to make reservations for tm–Y/J is back at his place and cleaningshe looks at what he has to cook withoh no IJ is going to M’s place with groceriesshe sees Y’s shoesY/J goes to greet who came inthey stare at each otherend—omg I love this drama—preview—;Y/J looks for some imp envelope—Y tells the doc that it isnt the doc’s fault so she tells him to stop coming by—J finds out the name of some guy when she sees a pic of two kids – one boy and one girlshe asks S to find that person- thinking maybe it is Y’s younger brotherS replies : J- if (he left out pronoun) dies at 23 – how do you think it feels?—H says he doesnt know why he feels like this – if it is cuz Y or J—H finds out Y/J is working at M’swhy are you here? are you crazy?he tells her to quit right nowshe replies she wants to stay here
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