49 Days E9
H and Y finally meet tm (please dont let that happen in the last few mins). How is he going to react when she doesnt recognize him? What is she going to do when she hears everything “she” has been doing up to now? Sleepwalking is not going to explain any of that away. Today’s highlight has to be the brilliant legacy grandma riding up on a motorbike with so much eye makeup on. Can’t believe she agreed to be made up that way- but she stole those scenes and S looked so cute cowering in front of her. How cool was S for saving J like that and breaking the rules – man J is so lucky to have him on her side.It is like a brilliant legacy/shining inheritance reunion with M – J’s dad who played his dad but is playing his future father in law on this drama, J’s mom, and now the cute grandma—-49 Days E9——Starts from when H goes into M’s place and drags Y/J out. Outside, she asks him to wait cuz her injured hand hurts and he lets go. He looks at her burnt hand and feels bad for a second.she asks – how could you suddenly drag me out like this? he retorts sarcastically she sure did well – instead of leaving with him when he asked her to – she stuck around and burnt her hand. he asks again if she plans on staying at M’s.she thinks to herself- what should I do.H says there is no way he will leave her there at M’s homethere is no way I can leave you there at my friend’s fiance’s homeshe calls out his name in her headH asks againdo you really want to stay here?are you going to stay?she shakes her head noH mutters a person should have boundaries-since this isnt a place for her to besince he offered her a job again she should have just followed him.what did she do so well to keep staying there?he holds her other uninjured hand and takes her to his car. she keeps glancing over at him in the car on the ride back and so does he.—she goes back to work at H’s place- everyone welcomes her back. H tells her to work hard. Cuz of her injured hand, H tells the chef not to let her do dishes. waitress goes up to Y/J remarking how Y/J has great skills -what did Y/J say to the boss to get him to hire her back. waiter says it looks like the boss dragged Y here cuz she is still wearing her apron. waitress asks Y/J if the boss went to go get Y/J. Y/J doesnt answer and grabs the towel to get to work.H looks down from the upper deck at Y/J working.chef asks if H feels at ease now. H says he does.chef:then everything is fineH: is it? why do you think i am like this? around that person, I feel like J is around-is it right?Y/J waves up to H so he yells down for her to work. sooooo cutehe mutters she thinks of him as her friend. chef says cuz she does- it makes H smile and he likes it.H: I seem crazy huh?chef: time will change everything —-M goes and rings his own door. M looks inside for her and wonders what happened.IJ calls M and worries J’s dad came to work and told someone else to look into something and M says he knows about it too. IJ wonders if the dad suspects but M says he has something more imp to take care of so IJ wonders what is more imp than this–M goes to H and asks for Y’s address cuz she suddenly disappeared from his home and she isnt answering her phone so something might have happened to her.H says he texted M -didnt he see it?M checks his phone and there is a text from H that H took Y away. H asks him to go in and talk. M sees Y and goes to her but she goes in and H stops M from going after her.—-M defends himself by saying that since his home was left in that state of disarry – it was only natural for him to think that some accident had occurred to YM asks H if H took her out of his home or dragged her outH points out that he tends to (not sure of this word – overreact? be impulsive?)M points out that H wasnt close to J so there is no reason for H to overreactis it cuz of Y?H says he felt that much responsibility to J cuz M met Y through Hwhat is more imp is that you are J’s fiance.M:not anymoreH:what do you mean not anymoreM explains that he looks towards the futureI’m a realistI cant keep loving someone who cant be with me in the futureH: does that mean you have already given up on J?M: is this a situation where I can give up or notH: even tho how could you…M: dont you know how i lived up to now?(he says something complicated here that went right over my head)H: her accident wasnt that long ago so how could you…M:how long are you going to wait?if it was you – a year? would you wait 10 yrs for J?H: is love something you can just cut off cuz you want tocan you just give up just like that?is that something you CAN give up?M: i canwhen I love – I love when I want toI dont think for a second that you can understand meM mentions something about not being in charge of J’s medical decisions or somethingH: is that why you seemed interested in Y?M: i told you i wasntyou made a big deal over no one of significance and fired her so I was just being nicesince you brought her back then everything is back to normal waiter says IJ and P came and for H to come up–IJ asks H where he went off to earlier in such a hurry but she sees M too and M lies that he dropped by cuz it was H’s bdayM says to IJ: i didnt see you at the office and we ended up meeting hereIJ remembers how he said he had something to take care of in a hurryH asks how they knew it was his bday and thought to bring him presentsIJ says that P knew H’s bday from back when and P bashfully denies itand changes the subject and suggests they eat cakeH says let’s eat first but chef says H should be grateful for his bday and receive congratulations from his friends–they all sing happy bday and Y/J silently sings along and says congrats quietly to H. H thanks everyone for congratulating someone like himP asks if H ate seaweed soup and he says he did -P asks who made the seaweed soup but H says: someone made it for mein front of everyone, Y/J goes up and says helloand to IJ she says : keep seeing you here and thereP asks when the two of them metY/J hands back the thermos and says she borrowed itP asks questions why Y/J has this cuz it belongs to PY/J: ask IJ about this thermosP asks IJ if IJ lent it to Y/JIJ says it is no big deal to PY/J: didnt you lend it to me?P asks why IJ is acting like there is a secret over a thermosY/J says it isnt a secret and starts to explain why she has it but IJ asks to speak to Y/J aloneY/J asks why and IJ says it wont take but a minutethey step outsideP tells the guys -why is IJ like that? she asked me to keep her dating a secret and now she has another secretH: IJ said she is dating?P: yes -she said she had someone she likes but wont tell me who it is–IJ had told Y/J not to tell that Y/J works at M’sY/J asks : why cant I tell that we met at M’s home?IJ: you dont have to know thatY/J: without telling me the reason-are you telling me to keep quiet?IJ: I’m asking you cuz I have a reason Y/J: i dont understandyou are the secretary and came cuz you were running an errandso why cant i say that? plus M is your friend’s fiance and all of you know each otheroh I think i got ityou didnt come to run an errand did you-huh?IJ: i was there on an errand….Y/J: he isnt just your friend’s fianceok i got it now – I understandwhy you are asking me not to mention itY/J acts like she gets the pictureIJ tells her not to jump to conclusionsY/J: on that day – you said – who are you and why are you at my bf’s homeIJ gets defensive: when did i? when did i say it like that?Y/J hints that IJ didnt have to use just words to convey thatthe look on your face said it tooY/J: i wont tell anyone that the person you are dating is MIJ says- that isnt itY/J: i said I would pretend you arentI wont ever say it and pretend you arentH goes out and asks what the two of them are doing. H says to IJ that the food came out and everyone is waiting for herbefore IJ leaves- Y/J makes the -i am going to keep my mouth zipped sign to IJ and H notices it is what J did (flashback scene of J doing the same thing)IJ remembers the same thing too- when J did itY/J explains to H that it wasnt anything – it was between girlsH had brought out Y/J’s bag and coatH tells Y/J to go home – cuz she is being stubborn when he told her to start working from tmher cell phone suddenly says in S’s voice: you got a call from YJSand then S yells it even louderY/J grabs her coat and bag and says she will be leaving nowH wonders what kind of bell that isY/J gets a call from J’s friend to meet with some other of J’s friends the day after tm—-P keeps asking IJ what IJ talked to Y aboutIJ says it was nothing impP asks: is the person you are dating someone Y/J knows?is it Y/K’s older brother?Ij asks: what?P guesses how her thermos got into Y’s handsif IJ didnt lend it then it is obvious how that happenedIJ says that isnt itIJ gets a text from M to come to the park in front of her houseP guesses that IJ is dating a married man–IJ goes out and reminds M it is dangerous to meet here-what if someone sees themhe says he doesnt know why either since they still cant get caughthe lies that the night air was so refreshing he didnt want to hide in a car with herIJ asks point blank if it isnt cuz he was curious if their relationship was found out by YM: what is so imp about a girl like her knowing?but P and H cant knowIJ: it would be better if they knewshe says she wants to meet M freely now and be like other couples who datehe reminds her their work isnt finished and they cant act like the average coupleshe says it is the same as almost overif J’s dad knew about their relationship- what can he do about itcan he take haemido away from M?M says he understands why she is like this but she shouldnt say things she doesnt meanshe says she isnt saying stuff she doesnt mean and accuses him of not being able to understand herhe says he knew she sent H to his homeshe confesses that she sent H to his homeM says he knows why she did itshe admits it was cuz she didnt like Y being at his home even a minute longershe didnt like having to pretend to be a secretary running an errand at her own bf’s homeM apologizes to her -for bringing Y into his homecuz it was too cruel to IJthat is how Y ended up meeting IJ like that – so even if Y knows about their relationship M doesnt have the right to complain to IJM says they dated too long and he feels bad that IJ had to falter over someone like YIJ lies that Y doesnt knowP catches them talking in the park—J confesses to Y that when H dragged her out -her heart felt more at easeit was hard being at M’s home so I followed H outsince I know where the secret safe is I am going to find a way to open italso my friend called -since 3 of them are coming out- i think can get a teardropif I do well maybe two teardropsno i shouldnt count on it too muchit is really a good thing that you are here sisteryou cant hear what i am sayingbut just being able to look at a person face and talk is goodit would be great if you could take it easy toosong Yi sooif S doesnt find yi soo-i will at least look for him—–M thinks over how the dad pushed up their wedding(so he could get his surgery the day after)and what the doc said about J’s dad possibly dying if he doesnt get surgery—-J’s mom asks why her husband is suddenly preparing a will and he explains since J ended up like this – there is no way to know how and when a person will end up so he thought it was best to prepare who to entrust his company to the wife doesnt like that he is leaving M the company when M didnt even marry J yetshe says she is against ithe says that isnt the only reason-M is taking care of everything to do with haemidoand also since M is youngshe asks if he is not feeling well somewhere and J’s dad denies itshe says he is throwing up a lot lately and can digest wellshe suggest he get a thorough check uphe says it is cuz he isnt working out lately so he isnt able to digest as wellhe tells her to hurry and go home—-M goes to the hospital and meets with J’s dadM asks her dad to get the surgeryM admits he asked the doc friendhe tells M not to tell J’s momM says the dad being like this isnt doing J any goodher dad says he is doing this for himself not for J’s sakehe is scared that he wont get to see J wake up and just die after surgeryM reminds him that if the dad doesnt do anythinghe might die before Jher dad says he cant go get surgery and leave J like that in her stateM says he needs to think he is going to live and get that surgerydad says there is 70% of the surgery failingM says there is 30 % chance to live/survivedad says there is 70% chance of dyingM says that the dad cant keep this up in his conditiononly way to keep this up is to get the surgerydad says what a relief it is to him to have MM looks guilty—Y/J looks at pics of her friends and tells herself today she needs to succeedshe thinks about it and realizes cuz she isnt dead that those friends might not cryY/J spots H passing byshe waves and cries out H’s name just like how J does itshe switches to “boss”she runs over and asks if he is coming back from a workouthe asks her to say his name againand she calls him the way J calls himhe asks which high school she went toshe asks why he is asking that suddenly and says choon chunhe says let’s go and they walk togethershe says she is already hungryhe asks if she likes musselsshe says she doesnthe asks then why did she make seaweed soup with musselshow did she know to add mussels to his on his bdayshe wonders to herself -why he is acting like this and why is he probing- like he is suspectingshe replies cuz the ingredients were at M’s house so she made it like thatshe says it is strange and asks why he is asking stuff like thathe says she reminds him of his close friendshe asks if they were closehe says they werentshe thinks to herself – that’s right we werent closeshe says aloud- if he wasnt close to his friend why is he watching out for her so muchhe says he owes that friendshe wonders what he feels indebted for——M does a presentation about haemido–the lawyer looks for J’s dad and IJ says he is in a meetingIJ gets an imp document for J’s dad to look over and if there are no problems for J’s dad to call the witnesses at 5 pmshe peeks insideshe meets M and tells him that J’s dad is leaving M the companyshe asks if he knows why J’s dad is doing that suddenlyM pretends not to know and says they will know when the time is right—Y/J goes to meet 3 of her friendsshe says their names to herself when she sees them cuz she is so glad to meet them againshe walks up and introduces herself and asks if they are J’s friendsone is already close to tearsanother one looks worriedone says all they knew was that J was injured a lot in a car accident and had surgeryY/J says alout: you didand thinks to herself -so that is why you guys didnt cryother says IJ – a childhood friend of J’s who lived off of her – told them that J’s parents were at the hospital and didnt want visitors so they have not gone to the hospital yet to visit Jhow upset J must have beenanother asks if J is in a coma nowthe other one says J is almost brain deadand Y/J adds that there is hardly any chance for J to wake uphow could that happen when her wedding day was so closeY/J thinks to herself that she needs to hurry and take advantage of their emotionsshe asks to interview/film them to show J cuz it might help her to hear from loved onesshe asks the question-the three of you were close to J during her college years right?two of them mention what they studied with J and the 3rd went shopping with J cuz their taste were the sameY/J says- imagine that they might not be able to see J again and leave her some parting words and they all cry and one asks if J is going to dieY/J films them crying but the color of the tears arent right and there is not a single drop in the pendant when she looks down at itshe remembers what S said about the different tears and how they are not all sincereshe thinks to herself – how are you guys crying – with what kind of heart-what do those tears mean?one is crying cuz she is having a hard timeother says J bragged too much- now money or a guy is useless to Janother is crying cuz her eyelid surgery didnt go well and wanted to dieand she feels sorry for JY/J asks again :what kind of friend J was-wasnt she nicethey said she was annoyingly nicecuz she let them do whatever they wanted and she would go along with itY/J wonders to herself what is so annoying about being nicea girl says that is all braggingone says J didnt have senseone says there was a guy she liked but he liked J and J didnt even know itthey all echo each other that J was at least a nice personY/J leaves them disappointedshe remembers how she has to collect tears in 49 days-ppl who truly love herand she cries walking away*FYI: the girl on the right was the one who spoke the most horrible english on coffee prince during one of Han Kuyl’s blind dates-her english was so awful I cant ever forget her face. she has always popped up on the most popular dramas—-P hears that J’s dad is leaving M the company from J’s momsince J’s dad is healthy why is he doing thatthe mom says she doesnt get it eitherthe mom asks P to ask IJ if there is something wrong with the companyP asks why she doesnt ask IJmom says her husband might have made IJ keep quiet about it(guessing cuz I couldnt catch this – or she might have said her husband gave IJ some work to do- it is one or the other) cuz she doesnt come here to the hospital at all—Y/J crosses out more names and looks for other namesone friend went to study abroadH comes out and sees her hunched overhe asks what she is doing here- why is she like that – did anything happenshe says nothingH asks why she doesnt have any color when she left to do something goodP comes and says J’s dad is leaving M the companyhe is finalizing the will todayhe must really think of M as his sonH asks why suddenly is J’s dad writing a willP says she doesnt know-the lawyer is going to the office later with the paperworkY/J says that cant happen and runs off—-Y/J runs off and looks around and finds Sshe tells him that her dad is leaving the company to M in his willnot to someone else but to MS says something about if she has a certain DNA that makes her trust ppl too stupidly genehe softens a little as Y/J cries and says:i’m sorry - I was wrong- I was all wrongi wont ever do it again-just help me this timejust tell my father not to write out that willor tell him that M is a bad person and not to trust himS: that kind of stuff I cant help you at all – no matter whatthat is me 100% interfering/meddling with human affairsand I will 100% receive punishment for thatY/J:then what do i do?there is nothing left but to meet my dad in Y’s body?S sighs and tells her to waithe looks something up-chance first choiceS: there is only thisfor you to touch something you want just onceyou will be deducted a day from your 49 daysY/J:i can touch something?she thinks for a second and says she will do that thenhe tells her to think about it first and decide -this is something a 49er who wasnt able to get a single teardropchose-a chance for her to just once feel what she really feels deep insideit’s really importantnormally i dont even tell a 49er about thisshe asks if there is such a thing as letting her voice be heard and subtracting 2 daysbut he says there isnt- a day could change your outcomeshe repeats again that he said she could touch something onceS: it is just once so think it over carefully and use ithe warns that he cant do anything for her – she has to go in and out on her ownshe gets that - first she has to return Y’s body and then come out so she goes quickly cuz she doesnt have time and says she will think of the rest on her way homethe chef’s wife and waitress see Y talking to herself on the street and wonder why she is doing thatY/J hops into a cab in front of them and yells out the area she is going to–she asks the cab driver for the number to a quick service delivery(who you call to hire those delivery guys on motorbikes all over korea)——H says to the chef: she should have said what was going on and leave(H doesnt know Y’s cell number)so chef asks why H didnt know that all this timeH calls himself stupid for not knowinghe recalls M saying he knew Y’s number so H calls him but M doesnt pick upwaitress comes running in and says Y is totally crazyH: you saw Y?chef’s wife says to the waitress she should talk like that (about calling Y crazy)chef asks what is going onwaitress says Y was standing on the street talking to no oneshe isnt in her right mind – she is for sure crazyH: Y is?chef’s wife says when a person is so upset she could do that-trying to defend YH asks where and when they saw Ywaitress heard where Y/J was telling the cab to goH guesses that is her homechef guesses Y had something to take care of at her homeH asks again about Y talking to herself——Y/J buys an envelope and stuffs a random newspaper insideshe takes it to Y’s work and asks the manager to give that envelope to an express deliveryguy when he comes cuz a customer asked her yesterday to send it but she forgotshe said all that with Y’s somber expressionhe looks at her clothes and seems confused——-she rushes home and lies down and J pops outJ’s dad, the lawyer, and the doc friend who is serving as witness sit and prepare the documentsJ waits outside her dad’s company until the delivery comesshe follows it inside but IJ looks at it and J tells her to hurry and take it in to her dad but IJ hesitates looking at the handwriting and reading what it says on the outsideIJ gives it to J’s dad and J follows her inhe thinks it is a joke -J says sorry to her dad- till he sees an article that a daughter in america who was in a coma for 20 yrs woke updoc asks who sent ither dad looks over at J’s picshe tells her dad she wont make him wait that long so dont write this will/ transfer of ownershiphe continues and is about to put his seal on the willshe knocks the seal out of his handthat was her one chance to touch somethingeveryone is startledhe asks why that happeneddoc picks it up and asks if her dad is okher dad looks at the sealshe says she did it so her dad wont leave M the companyshe keeps telling her dad - it is me J- I did itshe begs him not to do it cuz he is going thru with itshe begs him not toright before he stamps it- her pic suddenly dropsS knocked it downhe sort of tipped his head to the side and stuck his tongue out at her when the camera panned to his facewhen J looks at him S complains that he “cant live” cuz of her (it’s something you say in korean when someone drives you nuts and you end up doing stuff like this – something you dont even want to do)dad wonders why that pic fell-was J upset that he treated her like she was already dead?he doesnt want to hand over the company today and apologizes to the men gatheredJ cries relieved—-M hears about how the will was postponed from IJ (who heard it from the lawyer) that something strange happened during the meeting when J’s dad was about to seal the deal—outside, J keeps thanking Sshe promises not to forget this favor even in deathS is looking around wondering if no one noticedJ asks why he keeps looking aroundsuddenly that grandma from brilliant legacy shows up on a motorbikewhen he sees her he says: ssssuuunbaeshe walks up and hits him and she says she knew S would end up causing trouble at least onceS feigns innocence and asks what he did for the sunbae to act like thisshe gets him in a neck strangle hold and keeps giving him noogiesJ goes to his defense and says to the sunbae: grandma why are you doing this?J holds the grandma’s arm: who are you and why are you hitting this kid- use words.grandma tells her to go homeS urges J to hurry and go home toograndma holds his collar and says: who told you to interfere/meddle in humans businessS begs the sunbae to do this after J leaves (cuz he is embarrassed I think to be scolded in front of J)he pleads for the grandma to let him keep up the image of a schedulerthey disappear—S is being punished by the grandmashe says he went back on his word not to personally interfere/meddle with human beings affairs which is the first rule of being a schedulerS explains: that was a situtation where there was no way I couldnt help herin all his years being a scheduler he never met anyone like Jsunbae: are you dating her?S says he isnt - the kid (J) is so frustrating and stubbornsunbae -have you ever saw a human pay back the $49 this quickly before?were there any humans that even paid it back?sunbae says this is why it is not good to give second chances to young ppl who died(not sure but I think she said -they are too eager to go back to their human lives)S reminds her that the sunbae was the one who gave him his second chanceand she hits himshe explains cuz he kept begging for a chance to finish his business so she made an exemption for him (and gave him this opportunity to be a scheduler) she was afraid he would disappear forever by doing something rashhe pleads since she already did him a favor back then couldnt she overlook this too just once?she doesnt even hesitate and says : as punishment – a week longer added to his time (when J’s time was up – his time as a scheduler was supposed to be too but now he has to “serve” an extra week for that stunt he pulled-knocking over J’s pic)S gets on his knees and begs: A week? please no sunbae – all i have left now is 30 daysI was waiting like crazy for that last day – a week?just tell me to die insteadhe complains how good a job he did for 5 yrssunbae: there are things I can pretend i didnt see and there are things that I cantS gets ticked off and stands up and says:what are you going to do if I say I wont do the extra week?sunbae hints about an additional 5 yrshe says she isnt level headed (doesnt have a sense of fairness)and she retorts – am I human? to be level headedshe disappearsS stands there alone throwing a hissy fitso adorable—-M goes to see Hbut H is on his way outchef invites M to stay and drinkhe asks the waiter if Y left work–H goes to Y’s homeJ runs home as he goes gets out of his car and she doesnt see him—-Y wakes up and sees the door open and is alarmedJ runs in just in time cuz Y closes the doorJ says Y woke up early and must have been surprisedY picks up Noh’s business card and leaves quickly and traps J insideH is getting direction to Y’s home from the store ownerand looks away as Y goes into the storeY calls Noh(Tim’s new song is playing)Y tells Noh who she isH found Y’s homehe knocks on the door and J peeks and wonders who it isshe goes closer to the doorhe tries to open the doorH wonders: if she isnt home where is she–Y meets doc Noh at the cafehe tells her to speak freelyshe says: hemust know already but she has no one to say this to and apologizeshe says he was thankful to get her callwhat is going on?when you called-your voice sounded like you were scaredshe says she thinks she is crazyhe asks why she thinks thatfirst her hair changed and smells like shampoo she doesnt usenext her ankle hurtlandlady appeared saying she saw me the day beforeI threw up food i never atewhen I woke from sleeping, i was sitting in the middle of the roomand today when she woke from sleep the door was opennoh: what you are saying right now…Y: they are all things I dont remember doinghe asks if she can remembers when this startedshe says just one day suddenlyhe asks how her body feels – is she tired?Y: in the past i did but these days – i dont knowhe thinks she is sleepwalkingduring sleepwalking – while sleeping the body movesso she could not remember thatshe repeats sleepwalkinghe tells her not to worry too much and to come in for a check up tm at the hospitalshe nods her head—-J thinks H might worry cuz she ran off without saying whyH is at home concerned – clutching that chain thing—-next day H takes J’s fav roses and goes to visit at the hospitalher dad is by her bedsideH says he came to switch out the flowersher dad is mad at H for not taking that project cuz M had asked so muchher dad tells H not to come here again—Y/J goes to work and wonders if the chef is not cleaning todayshe goes in and no one is aroundshe sees the pianoand she goes and plays something and sings- well if you can call that singingcant describe this – sort of half humming-no real words- just lots of “na-nae-nas”H goes and hears it and has a flashbackJ sang that songshe is singing it when H was lying down on the seats not visible to herhe gets up and watches J sing and play the piano end flashbackH goes in and imagines he is seeing J while looking at Yhe asks her: who are you? are you J?she looks up surprisedendM holds Y/J’s arm and asks:what happened to you today? are you hurt somewhere? and she is crying and tells him to take his hand off of herJ says sorry to S-he tells her if she is sorry not to call him anymore if she can help itY/J asks S to be honest with her – is there a human who loves her?S: a human’s heart easily changes-there is no foreverthere is a picnic scene with S and Y (hope that finally dispels the rumors they are siblings)Y/J quits and thanks H for everything he did for her – she tells him she is going away somewhere far (wonder why she would quit when she has days left)OMG H meets Y at her cafehe asks if she is Yshe asks him: do you know me?
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