49 Days E6
What is M thinking asking Y to work for him – how does he think IJ is going to take that piece of news? She just may end up backtracking and telling J’s dad the truth and ruining M’s plans if M ever cheats on IJ. It really is true about karma coming back to bite you. Now IJ will get a taste of her own medicine and know what J feels now. I’m not even questioning Y/J’s motive for taking the job cuz this way she can spy on him and his plan more and take him down quicker. Plus – she probably wants IJ to suffer.Now that Y isnt working nights anymore – she doesnt need to be sleeping during the day so forget borrowing that body. We got the background story for S tonight. More pieces of the puzzle seems to be filling up now – but I still don’t see the whole picture yet. The preview is killing me cuz I want to know what option #3 is cuz I think it may have something to do with letting Y know what is going on in her life maybe -judging from the shocked look on her face.*Part two of YAI special is on after the drama so I had to watch that first -but this time I watched and translated at the same time…. posted before E6. Not sure why they are calling this a show about YAI cuz Maxine seems to be the focus more -if she wasnt on it to ruin everything we would get more info about YAI. It is like he is the second lead on a show about him.—-What is up with the ratings – this drama does not deserve to be third. I have not watched the other two, but I am betting it can’t be better than this one. 49 Days seems to have a life of its own. Ever since the premise came out months ago, ppl jumped onboard. Just look at its soompi thread – it is moving fast and there were about 150 ppl on it last night. Bet the other two dramas do not have that many. I wonder why the ratings for this isnt climbing up the charts like crazy – maybe E6 will change all that. Tonight we might finally get some backstory on S and we get to hear him sing as well. Heard his song on blue’s blog and I have to say – it was not bad at all. I had to brace myself for the inevitable letdown cuz not all actors can pull off great acting and singing- but JIW managed to pull it off. He was always my favorite character from the first highkick series and though I wanted to watch return of Iljimae – some other drama at the time got my full attention.–On a crazy side note, though I shouldn’t be trying to figure out how J is going to collect those tears – I gave it some serious thought and wondered what if all her friends on her list already cried true tears over her right after the accident. Then she sort of missed her chance to collect them. The only other time a room full of ppl will be gathered to cry over her would be her funeral – which is too late. Wonder if that pendant comes with some sort of built in radar that lets her know someone is crying over her so she can rush over there to collect it. Also, I assume she cant be in Y’s body at the time cuz I doubt her friends would cry so openly in front of a stranger who is leaning over to collect their tears. It would have to be just J in her spiritual form. There are still some good chances to gather those tears and I am thinking it has to be for sure H and P. P cuz she is a true friend and H cuz whether he is falling for Y/J right now – originally he loved J. I don’t think M will cry cuz he is beyond redemption for what he is doing and if he cried any tears at all – it would be self pity or remorse when his plans fall apart. Same thing for IJ-hers will mostly be filled with regret and guilt. I really cant stand this character – if she is going to betray her friend like that from day one – have the backbone to finish it and not be a wimp along the way. Her constant whiny attitude and sudden stabs of conscience is wearing on M’s nerves and you can see that. No wonder he is looking towards Y/J cuz at least she seems to have spunk cuz she stands up to him.—YAI has a new commercial for olive young – he is wearing eyeliner and looks adorable–YAI special part two—the short haired girl’s name is maxine koo -she is NOT the main modelYAI calls her “koo”on the photoshoot in the deserther irritating nasal voice and rude behavior got on everyone’s nerves-it is cuz she speaks korean in an annoying way and speaks informally to ppl who are older than hershe held an umbrella over YAI every chance she got to protect him from the sunshe gave him water, kimbap, vitamins, and his kid chair to sit on between takesHe tells her to pass out the vitamins to other staffand she said to his stylists “please take care of my YAI well” as she gave them vitaminsand the stylists ask when he became that Maxine asked if he likes the female model - he says yes- she is prettythen maxine asks -prettier than me?and he doesnt answer directly but circumventshe tells her to sit on his chair and she says she doesnt want to cuz it hurts her buttand he says -you gave me a chair like thatand she says it hurts her butt cuz she doesnt have enough fat on her butt and he says he doesnt eitherYAI accuses her of acting cuteshe gave him a toy and made him laughYAI’s stylist walked by and said the toy was ugly and she retorted that the toy looks better than the guy and the guy gets pissed cuz she spoke informal languageYAI tries to calm him down -saying she is like a child and she tends to mix informal and formal korean languageother guy says not to make a big deal out of nothing but the stylist stays pissedthe mood on the set goes down cuz of her rude remarkshe threatens to send gangsters to korea to beat up that stylist guyand the PD says how can you kid around like thatand YAI worried she was feeling all alone in the car sulkinghe has her called over and lets her give him a drinkshe says she likes YAI so she is putting up with everythinghe asks why do you like me? cuz ppl told you to like me?and she says it is cuz he is comfortableshe says that YAI helped her forget how upset she wascuz while he filmed her he made her talk about other stuffYAI doesnt like the necklact they put on him so he chooses to shoot without itnarrator says the look in YAI’s eyes change to cool in front of a cameraprevious night -YAI says to his stylist that he couldnt say even one word to the female modelhe asks how tall she is cuz she is really tall -178 cmthe police drove by and said not to shoot on the road cuz it isnt safe so they wrapped upafter the shoot at night when everyone is saying byeshe gets scolded by that famous photographer for using informal language to older ppl so maxine cries-maxine had called that famous photographer “ya” earlierand YAI notices her crying and tries to make maxine feel bettershe said she tried all day to do well and put up with everything just for himinstead of putting his arm around her – he just kept poking her lightly on the arm telling her “not to cry” and tried to take her side saying filming like this is hard for her–next daythey rented a sports car to show YAI around and do more shotsas soon as one of the stylists sees maxine – the first thing she says is “she is here again?”and maxine loses it again and cries and says more rude stuff while they are setting up cameras in the carYAI looks over and asks “are you crying again?”maxine asks how much more should she put up with this – she keeps complaining to YAI in the carthat poor guyshe says stuff like ppl like that woman should die and she wants to hit someoneshe calls someone – think her dad and says she doesnt want to film anymoreand wants to go back-she calls someone trash for making her feel this waythe PDs ask to speak to her alone in the vanthey point out – was she asked to shoot with that woman who made that remark or with YAIthey ask how she can act like this – just quit in the middle of a shootshe says this is how she is – she has hit someone on the street before and called a lawyer to take care of it – guess that story means she has always been a bratshe leaves it up to YAI to decide whether she stays or goesshe asks him if he doesnt want to work with her – she will go and if she is ok with her staying – she will stayhe tells her to get in the car and with his words- she continues filmingshe acts as his translator for the next part as they walk around with some americanshe talks abruptly again to YAI so he asks why she has to talk to ppl like thatand she explains she met rude ppl so she learned thatso he tells her she needs to meet nice friendsshe asks him if he could be a good friend to herhe says he is a good friend but he doesnt know if he can be a good friend to her(wow maxine’s chanel bag is huge)they are on the set of CSI miami – in californiaYAI is wearing a bose headphonethere was a part where there was a huge step and she wanted YAI to help her downshe wanted him to hold her chanel bag first then help her down but he just set the bag down on the ground then helped her so she called him rude for that – omg i hate this girllater she says sorry to YAI for making things hard for himover dinner they talk about her background and friendshipshe says she cant meet friends easily (what a shocker)YAI says something about meeting up with friends- and ends his statement by saying meeting this friend and that friend can make it more lonelyshe said she wanted to be on this show cuz she wanted to go to california and cuz there is a chance for them to become friends—next dayYAI is waiting at the farmer’s marketmaxin pulls up in the while convertible againthe PDs want them to ride this cuz they can shoot them easily and they look good in itand YAI wants to ride a normal car cuz of the sun -but he gets in againhe has to hold onto his hat cuz of the wind and the car was so small so he couldnt stretch his legshe didnt like that they kept choosing this car cuz just cuz it makes them look goodhe has to teach maxin to close her own door cuz she is used to ppl closing doors for her all the timethere was a huge step from the parking lot to the beach and YAI just jumped down but she wanted to find a different way to get down so he offers to help hershe asks him to hold her chanel bag and was expecting him to help her down with his other hand but he put the bag down and just helped her down and then gave the bag back to her -she called him “rude” for doing thathe doesnt like how she calls his name so he tells her to try it without sounding so nasal andshe says she had a bad surgery on her nose so she cantshe wants to buy him clothes so she makes him try on outfits at A & F but they left without getting anythingwhen they asked where YAI wanted to go in LA on their last night – he chose disneylandhe bought toys and rode rollercoasterson the ride back -they didnt talk and they sat and talked on the couch at the hotel loungehe says he felt a little like he needed to take care of her cuz she seemed lonelyshe says she likes him as a friend now than when she first met themhe jokes that she fell for him and she keeps saying she thinks of him as a friendhe took her to her door and said goodbye—-* why was this girl chosen????? she is so awful and made it harder for YAI cuz he has to constantly cheer her up–49 Days E6—–after he holds onto Y/J’s arm - M says she is acting funny – she acts like she knows something about him – acts surprised by him -acts like she is scared of him and now she is blatantly ignoring him tooY/J tries to pull away saying he seems to be in a bad mood cuz something bad happenedhe holds his grip on her arm saying:you succeeded in making me care but that is as far as you are going to dothen he warns her not to look at him like that - he gets a call from H but M still doesnt let her pull awayH comes out and only when IJ speaks does M let go IJ asks M what is going on. Y/J lies and says she made a mistake and apologizes and walks off to take the trash out. M asks IJ what she is doing here and she says to drop by and eat before she goes home. she calls out H’s name. he comes up and asks why M is leaving when they havent finished talking. M said he came out to make a call. he tells IJ to go in. Y/J cant believe M and IJ would come here together. she says theymust be upset cuz they couldnt sell her land. she remembers S’s warning to not let others know she is J. she tells herself to be more careful—H tells M that he doesnt want to design for M anymore. he is willing to give the sketches he made so far and the file. M and IJ try to stop him from walking away but H says M should know this is the kind of person he is. H gets up and runs into Y/J coming in. he tells her to follow him.–IJ asks why M acted like that to Y/J. M says it is like Y said – Y acted out of line. IJ wonders what Y did that was so wrong for someone like M to do that. IJ says it looked serious and M sees the waitress watching them so he switches to formal language and says it was no big deal.—Y/J gets scolded by H.H says didnt you learn how to behave while you worked and studied hotel managementwhy is she acting so rude to a customer?Y/J: you told me he was your friend’s fiance and not to be friendly so I was trying to be careful and did thatH: when did i tell you not to be unfriendly- I said to not be overly solicitous around him.she gets offended and asks when she did thatH: you made it look like you were when you first met himshe remembers how she tried to help get M in the car when M was drunkH asks why she behaved that way that timeY/J says she didnt know anything thenshe thought of someone and did thatbut from now on she wont do thatH: make sure nothing like this happens againM is my customer and my friend’s fianceY/J looks at him and thinks to herself: you really hate me but you sure do take care of my fianceH asks why she is staring at him like that againY/J: were you close with that friend?H:why are you asking that? go and work—M asks why she couldnt be more patientIJ said she was too curious and wanted to see M’s face at least and he tells her to be carefulhe says he is going to go out firsthe sees H and Y coming upH asks why M got upM says he is busy today and for them to talk tmH says there is no need for him to come back tm and hands him his sketches and tells M to take themM says they are not done talking and tells IJ he is leaving firstbut IJ asks for a ride-she says she doesnt feel well and isnt up to walking even for 5 mins.M tells H again that H has to be the one to design that place.Y/J bows to M as he leaves—in the car, M asks IJ why she is doing things she hasnt done- she says no one will suspect if she gets a ride. he says she never did this before but she says again that she doesnt feel well. she asks him to tell her what happened with J’s dad—-Ij hears about how J’s dad has to declare J incompetent. she worries that have to wait another month or two. M says they waited 2 yrs so cant she wait a few more months.IJ says how hard those 2 yrs were – if it wasnt places like this ( parked by the river at night) it had to be hotel rooms and she doesnt like thatM:what is so important about the location? it is more important that we had a place where we could talk freely together without prying eyesshe says she cant remember how long it has been since she was able to feel comfortable at his placeM: even tho we are going to be together for the rest of our lives?he says J’s dad will need time to give up on Jshe says if everything had gone as planned she would have quit by now.he tells her to go ahead and quit soon after the deal. he says all she has to do is what they originally planned and he’ll take care of the rest. she tries to hold his hand but he puts his seatbelt back on and drives off—Y/J is deleting pics of her and M. she looks at a pic of her with P and IJ. she thinks to herself that they were happy then and wonders if IJ was faking it then too.she asks aloud to IJ -when did you start to pull away from me as a friend cuz there wasnt a moment when I wasnt a friend to you. she cries and tear drops fall and she gets an idea. she wonders why she didnt think of this sooner. while she was alive if her IQ had been like this ….—she calls S and interrupts his practice session.S:i’m busy so why?she asks if she can use this phone to call ppl other than him.S: you didnt use it all this time – oh so frustrating -hang upY/J says aloud – this wasnt just for contacting the scheduleron the way home she calls one of her friends she wants to collect tears fromshe explains she is J’s friend and asks if that person heard about J’s accidentshe says she wants to meet the girl cuz of that and makes an appt to go to the gallery to meet her tm the landlady spots her on the street and Y/J runs off to go back home. Y/J quickly goes in and changes and lies down. the landlady comes when Y is sleeping.Y asks the landlady what is going on. the lady says Y told her to come back today for the rent so why did Y avoid her?Y: i did?lady: just now you saw me and ran offY: i was sleepinglandlady wonders if she saw wronganyway you told me to come today so pay meY:when did I tell you to come today?lady: yesterday when I came to see youY: you came here yesterday?landlady wonders since Y is living in reverse (sleeping during the day) - maybe her thoughts are toothe lady asks for the rent. Y goes back in and gets some cash and pays her.Y starts to boil some water and touches her hair and notices that it is in a side ponytail. J is worried that Y suspects. she calls S and he tells her this isnt an emergency situation and wont come. j talks back at the phone saying if this isnt an emergency then what isJ is relieved cuz Y doesnt seem to suspect cuz she is back to her usual routine.—M thinks over what H accused him of and he thinks it is ridiculous that he likes Y—Y/J runs up to H saying good morning and the waitress says “is 11am morning?”Y/J goes to H and tells him to sign her notebook next to where it says she started work at 11amH:what is this?Y/J: time when I start work- time when i leave work -time when I come back and time when I get off work. I have to write it all down to accurately calculate how much my part time pay isH laughs and agrees and signswaitress listens inY/J says “thank you boss” (didnt know how to translate the korean word for business owners cuz president or owner sounds weird)H tells her to leave out the word “boss”she argues then what should she call him? hang jang shi? or hang kang?H repeats thatshe says-cant she just call him like that cuz if they lived in america-they all call each other by their names -jenny john brad -hey kangand waves at himhe looks at her in disbelief so she says the nice weather made her a little crazy for a second. she bows and says she will go workthe other waitress aasks what is going on so Y/J explains how she is a freelancer cuz she has to come and go oftenthe waitress stares over at H who is still smiling over what Y/J just did–J’s mom is in J’s room and remembers what Y/J had said- that J loved her mom a lot saying her mom was the cutest and had the most warmth/affection in the world and wanted to be a mom like her–the chef’s wife carries in a heavy pot of ox bone soupthe chef is upset she carried something that heavy on her ownthe waiter doesnt like that they are having that for lunchthe wife says they need to eat this once in a whileY/J comes in and guesses what the smell isthe chef’s wife assumes Y/J doesnt like it too but Y/J says she could eat this every day for a monththe chef’s wife is happy cuz Y/J has the same food taste as her—J’s mom takes food to J’s dadshe brought the same soup the chef’s mom brought cuz it is J and her dad’s favoriteshe tells her husband about J’s friend who came who told her that J wanted to become a mom like her. the dad asks if the mom came to brag about thatshe cries saying this was the first time she heard anyone say they wanted to become someone like her. her dad said he never heard that so she must be happy. the mom regrets giving up on J. she says she is going to pray and if there is a god – would he take their only remaining child away from them—-Y/J is eating a lot and everyone watches her. the wife asks if Y/J wants more and Y/J holds out her bowl for more soup and another bowl of rice but they only have enough rice for the two waiters so H gives the rest of his rice to her telling her that he didnt eat directly from itshe says “you arent going to eat more” and he says he is finished and asks the waiter for coffeeY/J pours the rest of his rice into her soup bowl and says to the chef’s wifethat she feels bad for eating all of it when the wife made it for her husbandchef replies-whoever it eats it well means I ate it wellthe wife says Y/J’s insides must be roomyY/J replies to the wife that in her previous life she must have been a beggar cuz she eats so wellthe waitress is upset and complains cuz a customer brought a kid and the mother should have either not brought him along or at least control him betterthe waitress asks Y/J is she is still eating and Y/J says she is all done and quickly finishes eatingthey hear a crashing sound and the waitress says – see i knew he would cause an accidentY/J volunteers to go take care of it and clean it upthe mom yells at the boy saing i told you not to run aroundthe kid is crying so the mom asks Y/J for tissueY/J gives it to the mom to wipe the kid’s tears but the brat knocks it to the groundthe mom stands and tells him to just cry thenY/J picks it up and says to the kid ” the tissue got hurt when it fell down – watch this”H watches as she tears up the tissue and presses the pieces down together to perform a magictrick for the kidafter she rolls it into a ball she tells the kid to hold it in his handshe pretends to sprinkle magic on itthen takes it back from him and unrolls the ball and it is in one piecethe kid blinks in surprise and has stopped cryingshe says since he is a pretty kid he needs to wipe his tears with a pretty tissueand he lets her wipe away his tearsthen she holds out both of her hands and asks him to choose and the one he does has candy in it for himH watches and has a flashback to when J performs the same magic trick for H. she tells him to try doing it but he asks her to do it again. J says she already did it a lot of times so it is his turn to try ithe asks why should heJ asks if he didnt want to learn this why did he come hereshe explains how their class performs this at their festival and it is the most importanthe retorts you want me to do that – why should Iand she gets mad and throws the ball of tissue at him and tells him to forget it thenand walks offend flashbackH stares at the way Y/J smiles at the kid and it is the same smile as Jhe asks her: you know how to perform magic tricks? saw you showing the kid a magic trickshe says she learned from a friend.–H goes over to have coffee with the chefhe asks the chef :when you see Y – is there a woman she reminds you of?chef gets offended and says who else would there be for him except his wifeH: when I see that girl – why do i keep thinking of J?chef says their personalities are similar – she is happy and carefree and eats wellH finishes the list adding the way she says things three times – habit of playing with her fingers- eats pasta with chopsticks- doesnt like bay leaves- and even does magic-and also the way she talks- also he just feels she is like J—Y/J meets a friend of J’s-she explains that she is gathering interviews from J’s friends cuz it is supposed to be helpful to show J what she normally likedY/J says she heard the friend got close after coming to Seoul and they were old classmate friendsthey start the interviewY/J asks the friend to think of a time when the friend was the most grateful to J and felt touchedshe starts to recordthe girl thought she just had to tell J to hang in thereY/J says it is better to let J know how much her friend loves her and will want to live more or have the urge to want to live more – it would be better if it was a moment that makes one cry and be movedinwardly – Y/J tells the girl to think of the time in their senior year in high school when J carried the girl on her back and ranand the girl doesshe says in their senior year she fainted/collapsed and her parents were at the countryside at a wake and wasnt thereY/J inwardly encourages her to keep talking cuz that was the time she was thinking toothe girl says J stayed overnight at the hospital with herY/J says aloud: think of how grateful you were at that moment and say something to Jthe girl thanks J for helping her that timeI should be nursing you right now and take care of you but i am sorry for not being able to do thatY/J inwardly begs her to crygirl: instead when you get well again – i will buy you yummy food for lifeY/J inwardly says: you dont need to buy me anything to eat – just cry girlcamera zooms in on the girl’s eyes as she says : hurry and get bettershe tells Y/J that she is doneY/J: already?girl:do i need to do more?Y/J says she doesnt and remarks the girl doesnt seem to tear upand the girl says she isnt the type to cry- plus it isnt like J died.Y/J says to herself: i have to die for you to cry?Y/J remarks it must not have been easy for J to take care of her friend during her senior year(cuz it is a time when most students are studying for college exams)but the girl says it wasnt too hard for J cuz she wasnt that great a student anyway so it didnt affect her studies much the girl asks what happened to J’s fianceif J is in that state – shouldnt they have called off the marriage?they probably will and mentions how J had bragged that she had met her soulmatedoes M visit at the hospital?Y/J just quietly listened to all thisoutsideY/J wonders to herself why that girl is curious if M called off the wedding or not when J is like thatshe holds the pendant and wonders: is it cuz I’m not dead? —-the mom puts lotion on J and massages her legs for circulation.the dad tells her to leave now. she promises J to come back tm. her dad tells her not to and the mom says he needs to go to work-just leaving everything to M and sticking by J doesnt seem like a good idea and he says he will do what is right.H comes in. they leave him to be with J alone. he walks over to her bed and looks at her. H: have you been well? I brought you these - he holds up the flowersthese are the roses you like so muchhe sees how her feet are uncovered and pulls the blanket over themthat’s right – you are here -you are here but i dont know why i keep seeing youi must be crazyyou are here like this going thru a hard timeso does it make sense that I mistook someone else for youyou are suppose to say “of course that isnt possible you dummy” –Y/J goes to see PP looks sad and Y asks in her thoughts -I came- why are you like that-did something happen?Y picks out the same bread as J’s fav and P asks if Y/J likes that bread cuz Y/J chose that last time too. Y/J says she likes it cuz it tastes really good. P mentions how J really like that bread-how she bought a bag a week and passed it out to maids that cleaned the office, security guy, and ate some herself. P says J liked bread a lot – esp that breadY/J: she did? was she a close friend?P nods and says she was just thinking of that friend just nowY/J says – what kind of friend was she that you would think about her so longingly-when she isnt even a guyP gets offended and says they werent that kind of friendY/J clarifies that she didnt mean that eithershe was just thinking – how much P must have liked her friend to think of her and that Y/J was just enviousP nods and tells her to have fun shopping for bread—H is driving and sees Y/J walking alonghe follows her and takes off when she spots himshe calls out his name “han kang” then tries “boss” but he keeps goingshe catches up to him and asks why he kept going after she called after himH: why did you call meY/J; it looked like you saw me but you just kept goingso that is why i called after youshe follows him and asks if he didnt see her and he says he didntshe asks where he went but he doesnt answer and just goesshe wonders why he is like that – did she come too late?she checks her watch but she didnt—he comes out from changing and she is there waitingH;what are you doing here?Y/J: i bought some of this breadand hands it to him but he doesnt even look at it and says he doesnt want itshe leaves it on the desk and tells him to eat it later when he gets the munchieshe tells her he doesnt want it and to take it with hershe tells him she already bought it for the rest of the staff and lists their namesH suddenly yells she is talking too much and that he doesnt want itshe looks startled so he brings down his voice and tells her to leave if she is finishedshe holds out her notebook and asks if he is mad cuz she didnt get permission as she was leavingH: since you are a freelancer – whether you come to work or not -whenever you go out or come back in – it doesnt matterand also this – get it signed by (name) from here onhe tells her to leave but she asks why he is like this suddenlydid she make a mistake she doesnt know about?if she did all he has to do is tell her what it isH: am I your friend? you are an employee and I am the employerI told you to go out so why are you talking so muchand from now on – dont come here whenever you please-do you understand?she bowshe asks if she doesnt have a mouth or can she not talk?why isnt she answering when the employer is talkingbecause she acts so rude like that – that is why customers’ feelings are hurtY/J finally replies: i understand–outside she wonders why H is like that cuz he was normal a while agoshe asks herself if he is like that cuz of Mshe looks at the bread that he likes and she eats itand cries and wonders why he is like that suddenly–IJ texts M asking what he is doing and if he atehe replies-in the middle of work and tells her to have a nice mealshe gets a call from J’s mom’s driverhe drops off something for IJ from J’s momshe asks where M is now and the driver says at M is at homeIj calls P to have dinner together—- IJ and P come to eat at H’s placeY/J sees them come in and greets themthe chef says Y looks tired and tells her to go home since there arents many customers she should go home and rest cuz she doesnt look wellY/J says- can i do that? and goes homeP sounds disappointed that H wont be hereand IJ says he in his office and tells P to go and get himP says it’s ok cuz he is probably working and asks what IJ wants to eatIJ tells her to ask H to eat with them since he hasnt eaten yetP looks happy and says “should I” and gets up to go get himguess she has a crush on HIJ asks the waitress about Y-IJ says that part time employee must work hard cuz the chef seems to be looking out for herthe waitress says that it is cuz of HH likes Y cuz and lets Y do anything and puts up with it all- now even as a freelancer-he told her she can come into work when she wantsIJ says H doesnt have that kind of personalitywaitress says that Y is rude to M too—Y/J goes home – she is on the phone with S saying she doesnt feel wellso you drop by and take it and goS: what do you want me to go and getY/J: money – the $49 you lent meyou told me to pay it back before the 49 days was upjust come and take thisS: you bring itperson who borrowed it should come and give it backshould the person who lent it go to get it?I am on a row right now and am about to finish this todayso you come hereY/J: if I return Y’s body – i wont be able to touch moneyS: if it is money you are giving to me – you can hold itJ follows Y out and leaves firstY runs back in and throws up—–when J gets to where S is – he is singing that songJ claps at his performanceshe says:you sure a scheduler who can do a lot of thingsclub-coffee shop-motorcycle-guitarS says the guitar is not it – the song is more importantI am a singer song writerJ: i know that muchshe plays something on the pianoher dream once was to be a singerhe laughs at her for that saying that and says just cuz you say it doesnt mean you become oneshe points out where he sang the song wrongand sings it for him correctlyhe is impressed and says she wasnt making it up- he asks why she didnt become a singerher dad didnt want her to -he wanted her to marry some nice guyhe asks was that person M and said she chose wrongshe tells him not to be like that to her cuz today she tried to get tears but failed to and felt patheticS tells her that she needs to get used to it cuz she is a 49 erand says again how ppl are complicatedhe makes a comment about ppl who died that didnt go to their own wakeJ says he is scaring herS gets serious and says: instead of being a just a scheduler like me -you are a 100 times better offcuz you have the hope to live againJ:how did you end up as a schedulerS says he volunteeredshe asks if that could happen and asks whyhe says he doesnt know how it happened that wayhe says he had unfinished business when he died so that is why he volunteered and if he can fulfill his scheduler duties well for an allotted time -5yrs- he can go back and finish it so that is the reason why he is living as a schedulershe asks what that unfinished matter wasand he yells back if he knew that - would he be a dutiful schedulerhe would forget about scheduler duties and take care of the matter firstshe says she feels bad for him – at his young age (he has to go thru this)he makes a crack like “you should talk” and tells her to just hurry and pay him back—-the doc goes to the convience store as the owner is putting up chairshe asks whyY didnt come in to workthe man says he doesnt know why - Y didnt even call and didnt show up for work–J worries and wonders why Y isnt coming homeJ presses the button for S cuz this is an emergencyhe shows upS: why are you paging me for an emergency again when we parted just a while agoshe says Y still hasnt come homeS looks alarmed and says:what?they go in and see that Y is feverishJ: she must be sickhe tells J to hurry and take Y to the hospitalJ: you should take her -how can i take her?S: did I say move her – all you have to do is go inJ: me?he puts J in Y’s bodyS: hurry and go outY/J: i dont feel goodi’m dizzy and nauseousshe tries to lie back down but S makes her sit back upS: since you made her sick you should take responsibilityY/J: i didnt make her sickS: let’s see if you say that after you go to the hospitalY/J: you want me to go to the hospital alone?he says he is her scheduler not her guardianhe tells her to take a cab—H looks out and wonders if he was too hard on Ycuz Y hasnt come in to workthe chef asks if H has her cell numbercuz she doesnt seem like the kind of person to quit just like that without noticechef wonders if something happened to her–a doc asks what Y ate and she lists everythingthe doc asks if Y threw up and Y/J doesnt answerasking herself if she threw up—–M and J’s dad talk about the contractfor lending something – in place of that - the other person wants 20%M says the other person knows that M and J’s dad need this in a hurryand M says it is better than using (dont know this word)M asks what he should do as J’s dad looks over at Jher dad suddenly gets up to go vomit while they are talking* his wife had warned that the soup she brought spoils quickly so maybe he is throwing up cuz of what he ate and so is Y cuz she ate the same kind of soup- a lot of it. even tho the chef’s wife made it – maybe the fact that it spoils easily applies still—Y/J is at the hospital picking up her prescription form and wonders if her dad is in her roomshe realizes she missed work- it is almost 1she remembers how H had told her he doesnt care when she comes or goesshe worries that he might be angryher stomach hurts so she decides to eat medicine firstM spots her crossing the streetshe falls and he almost gets out to help herbut she gets up on her ownhe watches her at the bus stop taking medicineshe is leaning against the glass so he gets out of the car and tells her to get in his car cuz she looks like she is unwell and he will take hershe says no and he says he is on his way to H’s anyway-isnt that where she is goingshe says no againhe asks why she doesnt want to get in his carY/J : cuz i dont want toM: you dont want to? why? cuz i was angry a few times? cuz you are misunderstanding? orcuz you got scolded by H?Y/J: no – cuz i dont like youshe says since this isnt H’s place she will speak freely she doesnt like himM: why do you dislike me?Y/J: cant i dislike someone without a reason?without a reason one can like someonewithout a reason dislike someoneyou dont know that huh?for a reason you like someonefor a reason you dislike someoneisnt that what happensM gets angry and pulls her up saying they feel the same way about each other so get in the car Y/J: didnt you hear me? i said I dont like youM: even if it wasnt you – I dont leave someone who is sick behindyou are not that special to me for me to leave you behind just cuz you say you dont like meso dont overreacthe grabs her medicine and drags her into his car—in the carshe stares at a pic of J and Mhe says that is his fianceshe says his fiance looks kinda dumbM:what?Y/J: I mean she looks like she likes ppl and trusts them too easilyhe says she has a way of talking that incites pplhe defends J saying she is a sweet and nice girlY/J says to herself: sweet and nice? – that is why she was duped cuz she was easyhe gets a call about workhe says he will call later when he goes to the office—-H is looking out and sees M and Y pulling upM asks if she isnt going to thank himshe says why should i when you forced me to get a rideand she goes inhe repeats her words “forced me to ride” and sees HH goes in—-M goes in to see HH is upset and asks -what happened? why did Y get out of your carM: why are you acting like it is a big deal – cant Y ride in my car?H:where did you meet up? why are you meeting that girl?M: why do i have to tell you stuff like that?H: cuz you are J’s fianceJ is sick and in a coma -what are you doing now?M:then what are you? are you even J’s brother?arent you acting like this to me cuz of Y?H: why are you talking nonsenseM: if not then why are you like this?you didnt even like J – you disliked herH: even tho I did – you used to love JM: dont use J as an excuseyou are the one who was bothered to design J’s place and quitH:that was…M finishes H’s sentence: …cuz of that girlH: i am talking about you – why do you keep asking me about how I feeldid you really give up on J already?M: you are the one who keeps bringing up Y and mewhy would I like a girl like that…I dont like that girlI’m not interested ok?As M walks out – H follows and has Y called downM hears that and leaves—-waitress listens inY/J says sorry for not calling and being lateH: we keep saying the same thing over and over – let’s end thisyou are firedwaitress is happy and leavesH: i let you be a part time free lancer and you go around meeting M?when I told you he was my friend’s fiance?Y/J:that wasnt it – we met unexpectedlyH:whether that is true or notI cant leave M around youM is my friend’s fiance and I have a reason to protect that friendY/J thinks to herself: friend? you are doing this for my sake?H: i cant overlook what you do anymore – I wontY/J: i really dont have any interest in M – for realH throws down an envelope of moneyH: it doesnt matter if you take it or notdont ever come back here againhe turns awayY/J: you know i wont take this money-dont you?H yells: how dare you threaten meY/J: even tho I dont take this money-dont let it bother youdont ever let it get to youcuz I am really okH: you should stopshe says she thinks she recieved all his feelings for that friendand bows and leaves—M didnt leave and he hears the waitress telling the other waiter that Y got firedY says farewell to the chef and other waiters-thanking them for everything this whole time and leavesshe turns around to look backshe walks off and M is there waiting by the side of the roadhe says I heard you got firedseems like it was over mehe asks what she is going to do now-doesnt she need to find a new job?she tells him to stop caringM:how about my homeyou need money – work at my house and i will pay youyou probably know how to clean – do you know how to cook?Y/J: first of all – how much are you going to pay me?M: does that mean you will work at my home?Y/J: you told me toshe steps closerI will do itshe smiles at him as they face each otherendpreviewJ wonders why Y is living like thisthen J worries cuz Y slept at night and isnt sleeping during the day – she cant borrow her bodysomeone trails behind IJ as she walks along at night and suddenly someone grabs IJ from behindJ asks S to do something with Y cuz J has been trapped in this room with Y for 4 daysS reminds her that she is borrowing “life”J complains that she only has 34 days leftomg S calls an older senior to ask permission to use #3 for this situation-what the heck is option number 3? cuz Y looks shocked all of a sudden
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